Take a tour of our 2022 Annual Report #microsite to see visual highlights of the incredible impact of our members' development projects across 53 countries and 1.7million lives last year and how @miseancara
supported this advancement of Ireland's commitment to #SDG2030. #LNOB #IrishAidWorks https://bit.ly/46ClOrR
#microsite #sdg2030 #lnob #IrishAidWorks
Was soll das, Council of the European Union? Ist das Humanität, wie sie Europa gut anstünde? Ihr werbt den Ländern des Südens ihre besten Kräfte ab und lasst sie allein mit dem Problem der Armut. Ja, #Migration löst das Problem nicht, das wissen wir. Aber die hohen Mauern an den Grenzen Europas und die Verhinderung von Migration verschärft die #Armut. Wenn das alles war, wird es nichts mit den #SDG2030! https://horstheller.wordpress.com/2023/05/20/willkommenskultur-fur-kluge-kopfe-und-hohe-zaune-fur-alle-anderen/
Missonary-led development projects deliver long-term impact by working in solidarity with poor and vulnerable communities across political, cultural, faith and language boundaries. Learn more about this unique, proven method for helping excluded people build empowered lives. https://bit.ly/3FlkBbl #SDG2030 #MiseanCara #IrishAid #IrishAidWorks #CrossingBoundaries #Misean Cara
#sdg2030 #MiseanCara #irishaid #IrishAidWorks #crossingboundaries #misean
Thank you to Bishop Martin Hayes and Jane Mellett of #LaudatoSiIreland for joining our screening of #TheLetter film yesterday and leading us in an earnest conversation on meaningful next steps for individual and group #ClimateAction. #LaudatoSiWeek #SDG2030 #PearseStreetLibrary
#laudatosiireland #theletter #climateaction #LaudatoSiWeek #sdg2030 #pearsestreetlibrary
Today, #InternationalWomenAndGirlsInScienceDay, @miseancara recognises the dedication, innovation, and commitment of its members working to increase access to #science #education for vulnerable girls in developing countries. To succeed in meeting the #SDG2030 goals means we must #LeaveNoGirlBehind. #GirlsEducation #SDG4
#internationalwomenandgirlsinscienceday #science #education #sdg2030 #leavenogirlbehind #girlseducation #SDG4
The Myth of Overpopulation We’re constantly told there are too many of us…but is this true?
https://youtu.be/y-QQdheISPI #agenda21 #sdg2030 #thegreatreset
#agenda21 #sdg2030 #TheGreatReset