Der Oberste Gerichtshof in Mexiko hat entschieden, dass die Kriminalisierung von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen die Menschenrechte verletzt. Das Parlament muss nun geltende Strafen aus dem Gesetzbuch streichen: #SDG5 #SDG10 #GLG
The IEC is committed to help raise awareness of the value of gender diversity with its National Committees and stakeholders.
Meet the women at IEC:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #SDG5 #IECforSDGs
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #sdg5 #iecforsdgs
One size does not fit all.
IEC and ISO published a guide to help technical committees ensure they are developing Gender Responsive Standards.
Discover the guide here:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #IECforSDGs #SDG5 #GRS
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #iecforsdgs #sdg5 #GRS
Why is it important for women to take part in electrotechnical standardization?
We caught up with Ulrike Haltrich, Chair of IEC TC 100 and SyC Active Assisted Living.
Learn more about #GenderResponsiveStandards here:
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #iecforsdgs #sdg5 #iwd23
"Standards often don’t protect women as well as men"
We caught up with Lynne Gibbens, who explains how the Canadian National Committee has put gender diversity at the centre of its strategy:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #SDG5 #IECforSDGs #IWD
#genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #sdg5 #iecforsdgs #iwd
Here is a preview of what we will claim (again) tomorrow. #SDG5: #GenderEquality and #WomensEmpowerment #8M2023
#sdg5 #genderequality #womensempowerment #8m2023
Should #gender needs be taken into account in standards development?
We asked Sonya Bird to share her thoughts on gender diversity and the important role standards play in helping to achieve it.
Read further: #genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #SDG5 #IWD
#gender #genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #sdg5 #iwd
What are Gender Responsive Standards?
ISO and IEC published a guide to help technical committees ensure they are developing #GRS.
Discover the guide here:
#genderresponsivestandards #WomenatIEC #IECforSDGs #SDG5 #IWD
#GRS #genderresponsivestandards #womenatiec #iecforsdgs #sdg5 #iwd
#NewPaperAlert #research led by Senior Research Fellow Dr Chris Nnanatu with Dr Edson Utazi - Spatially Varying Intergenerational Changes in the Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in #Nigeria: Lessons Learnt from a Recent Household #Survey - in Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy #FGM #GBV #SDG5 #BayesianModel
#NewPaperAlert #research #nigeria #survey #FGM #GBV #sdg5 #bayesianmodel
¿Quién más en el #fediverso es un #activista del #tiempo?
¿Puede todo el mundo ayudarme a conectarme con más activistas-académicxs-sindicalistas-trabajadores? #40horas #trabajodomestico #ODS5 #ODS8
Who else in the #fediverse is an #activist on #time ? Can everybody help me connect with more activists-academics-sindicalists-workers? #workinghours #domesticlabor #SDG5 #SDG8
#fediverso #activista #tiempo #40horas #trabajodomestico #ods5 #ods8 #fediverse #activist #time #workinghours #domesticlabor #sdg5 #sdg8
On #WorldChildrensDay we recognise the conditions of extreme hardship in which millions of children live in every day, and applaud the work of our members whose projects aim to uphold and elevate the human rights and wellbeing of children around the world. #LeaveNoOneBehind #SDG1 #SDG2 #SDG4 #SDG5 #MissionaryDevelopment #MiseanCara #IrishAidWorks
#worldchildrensday #leavenoonebehind #sdg1 #sdg2 #SDG4 #sdg5 #missionarydevelopment #MiseanCara #IrishAidWorks
I wrote a #policy paper on #MathsAnxiety. It highlights that symptoms are present early in childhood; can be intergenerational and harm students’ #maths performance & career choices. Also, it may affect teachers’ well-being & self-efficacy☘️
#GenderGap #SDG1 #SDG4 #SDG5 #numeracy
Read on UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy website [] @mathcog
#cognitivescience #numeracy #sdg5 #SDG4 #sdg1 #gendergap #maths #mathsanxiety #policy
I wrote a #policy paper on #MathsAnxiety. It highlights that symptoms are present early in childhood; can be intergenerational and harm students’ #maths performance & career choices. Also, it may affect teachers’ well-being & self-efficacy☘️
#GenderGap #SDG1 #SDG4 #SDG5 #numeracy
Read on UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy website [] @mathcog
#cognitivescience #numeracy #sdg5 #SDG4 #sdg1 #gendergap #maths #mathsanxiety #policy
Calling #women in #socent around the world! Join the map?
Place your pin at and amplify your venture! Please RT.
#ImpactWomen #socent #ImpInv #GenderLensInv #SDG5
#sdg5 #genderlensinv #impinv #impactwomen #socent #women