Forschende des Freiburger Fraunhofer Instituts ISE haben eine Solarfolie entwickelt, die Auto energieeffizienter machen kann. Die Folie kann auch auf bestehenden Autos angebracht werden: Mehr dazu hier: #SDG7 #SDG12 #GLG
A big win for wind power in New Mexico (Texas, not so much)
#wind #windpower #windenergy #energy #electricity #decarbonization #newmexico #arizona #texas #renewableenergy #usa #unitedstates #energytransition #sdg7 #sustainability #sustainableenergy #greenenergy #cleanenergy
#wind #windpower #windenergy #energy #electricity #decarbonization #NewMexico #arizona #texas #renewableenergy #usa #UnitedStates #energytransition #sdg7 #sustainability #sustainableenergy #GreenEnergy #cleanenergy
Want a #Sustainable #Future? Then look to the world’s cities : Nature
#SDG7: World still off-track from achieving universal #Energy access to all, says #UN report : Misc
The 7 #Climate #TippingPoints that could change the world forever : Misc
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #tippingpoints #Climate #un #Energy #sdg7 #future #Sustainable
Fossil energy stakeholders sandbagged by synthetic mineral
#solarenergy #solarpower #solarcells #energy #electricity #renewableenergy #science #innovation #sdg7 #usa #unitedstates #cleanenergy #greenenergy #greeneconomy
#solarenergy #solarpower #solarcells #energy #electricity #renewableenergy #Science #innovation #sdg7 #usa #UnitedStates #cleanenergy #GreenEnergy #greeneconomy
Gute Nachrichten aus Indien! Dort sinkt der Ausstoß von klimaschädlichen THGs schneller als geplant. Wenn der derzeitige Trend anhält, könnte Indien die Reduktion der THGs um 40 Prozent noch vor 2030 erreichen! #SDG7 #SDG13 #SDG17 #GLG
In Fitnessstudios wird sehr viel Bewegungsenergie produziert, die allerdings ungenutzt bleibt. Wie viel Potenzial die Bewegungsenergie aus Fitnessstudios birgt, könnt ihr hier nachlesen:
Online Symposium: “Fuelwood in the tropics: From cooking stoves to deforestation”
Looking forward to being on this panel with some great colleagues to discuss socio-ecological linkages between forests and household energy. Join us!
#forests #sdg7 #woodfuels #fuelwood #EnergyAccess
Festivals werden immer beliebter. Doch ihre Ökobilanz sieht nicht gut aus. In unserem heutigen Beitrag könnt ihr nachlesen, wie Festivals nachhaltig organisiert werden können:
#SDG6 #SDG7 #DSG9 #SDG12 #SDG13 #GLG
#sdg6 #sdg7 #dsg9 #sdg12 #sdg13 #glg
Texas is ready for offshore wind but pitfalls abound
#texas #offshorewind #offshore #offshorewindenergy #windjobs #wind #energy #renewableenergy #cleanenergy #greenenergy #greeneconomy #usa #sdg7 #jobs
#texas #OffshoreWind #offshore #offshorewindenergy #windjobs #wind #energy #renewableenergy #cleanenergy #GreenEnergy #greeneconomy #usa #sdg7 #jobs
Texas just can't quit green hydrogen
#texas #unitedstates #hydrogen #greenhydrogen #hydrogeneconomy #decarbonization #esg #esgstrategy #renewableenergy #renewables #sdg7 #sustinability #sustainabledevelopment
#texas #UnitedStates #hydrogen #greenhydrogen #hydrogeneconomy #decarbonization #ESG #esgstrategy #renewableenergy #renewables #sdg7 #sustinability #sustainabledevelopment
Solar power to Texas lawmakers: la-la-la-la
#solar #solarpower #solarenergy #pv #energy #renewableenergy #texas #heatwave #texasheat #usa #unitedstates #sdg7 #cleanenergy #cleanpower #greenenergy #greeneconomy #decarbonization
#solar #solarpower #solarenergy #pv #energy #renewableenergy #texas #heatwave #texasheat #usa #UnitedStates #sdg7 #cleanenergy #cleanpower #GreenEnergy #greeneconomy #decarbonization
Offshore wind farms meet seaweed farms
#offshorewind #offshore #windenergy #wind #windpower #seaweed #foodsystems #food #renewableenergy #energy #sdg7 #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #windfarms
#OffshoreWind #offshore #windenergy #wind #windpower #seaweed #foodsystems #food #renewableenergy #energy #sdg7 #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #windfarms
US finally catches self up on floating solar
#floatingsolar #solar #solarenergy #solarpower #renewableenergy #energy #water #cleanenergy #greenenergy #greeneconomy #sdg7 #sustainabledevelopment #usa #unitedstates
#floatingsolar #solar #solarenergy #solarpower #renewableenergy #energy #water #cleanenergy #GreenEnergy #greeneconomy #sdg7 #sustainabledevelopment #usa #UnitedStates
Massive new green H2 project snatches hydrogen market from grasp of fossil gas
#germany #gas #eu #europeanunion #europe #hydrogen #hydrogeneconomy #energy #hydrogen #greenhydrogen #cleanhydrogen #sdg7 #renewableenergy #energystorage #solarenergy #windenergy #energystorage #batteries
#Germany #gas #EU #EuropeanUnion #europe #hydrogen #hydrogeneconomy #energy #greenhydrogen #cleanhydrogen #sdg7 #renewableenergy #energystorage #solarenergy #windenergy #batteries
#FocusArea: #Energy is critical in economic development and people with no sustainable access to energy are deprived of the opportunity to become part of national and global progress.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 (#SDG7) aims to "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all."
Attack of the 50-foot heat pump
#heating #heat #energy #heatpumps #energyefficiency #renewableenergy #sustainability #sdg7 #demmark #energytransition #decarbonization #decarbonisation
#heating #heat #energy #heatpumps #energyefficiency #renewableenergy #sustainability #sdg7 #demmark #energytransition #decarbonization #decarbonisation
Red states meet green gold, part infinity
#solar #agriculture #farms #farming #agrivoltaics #agrivoltaico #agrivoltaïsme #renewableenergy #indiana #usa #solarfarm #sdg7 #energy #electric #foodsystem
#solar #agriculture #farms #farming #Agrivoltaics #agrivoltaico #agrivoltaisme #renewableenergy #indiana #usa #solarfarm #sdg7 #energy #electric #foodsystem
A UN report warns that the world is falling behind on its clean energy goals. The report, which tracks the progress of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), shows that the global share of renewable energy has increased slightly, and access to electricity and clean cooking remains uneven. The report urges more action and investment to accelerate the transition to clean energy and achieve SDG7 by 2030.
AQ on U.S.A. East Coast terrible right now & people are suffering (incl. some of my family). Absolutely terrible.
But good for Time to point out that poor outdoor air quality is a daily reality for many around the world. That's on top of ~2.4 billion people globally burning wood or other fuel in home to meet basic cooking/heating needs & suffering from bad indoor AQ. Not typo. 2.4 billion!
Time to clean the air everywhere
#AirQuality #AirPollution #CleanCooking #SDG7
#sdg7 #cleancooking #airpollution #airquality