Looking into cross connect details between #PDH, #SDH and #GigabitEthernet circuits for a cantonal customer to make sure #CES services we need to build over an #MPLS #RSVP-TE based network terminate on the correct #PDH ports during the migration period of this network until end of 2023
#neteng #networking
#pdh #sdh #gigabitethernet #ces #mpls #rsvp #neteng #networking
👋 Official #introduction
RN x 20 yrs • Certified ACRN. Working as a Prof at UVic and Scientist at the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research. Casual CNS in Urban Health focusing on in-hospital harm reduction. Co-President of the #Nursing Observatory working on #whistleblowing. New LLM in #HealthLaw graduate 👩🎓 (Osgoode). #hiv #harmreduction #drugpolicy #substanceuse #supervisedconsumption #socialjustice #humanrights #SDH #advocacy #activism
Posting in English and French ✌️
#introduction #nursing #whistleblowing #healthlaw #hiv #harmreduction #drugpolicy #substanceuse #supervisedconsumption #socialjustice #humanrights #sdh #advocacy #activism