ILX-LR1: The ILX-LR1 is a professional camera with a 61.0 effective megapixel, full-frame image sensor, interchangeable E-mount lenses, and full remote operation via the Sony Camera Remote SDK (Software Development Kit), designed specifically for industrial applications.
#SonyAlpha #BeAlpha #SonyProfessional #SonyILXLR1 #ILXLR1 #photography #videography #industrial #SDK #development #developer
#Developer #Development #sdk #industrial #videography #Photography #ilxlr1 #sonyilxlr1 #SonyProfessional #bealpha #sonyalpha
Vision Pro SDK: Nachfrage angeblich "hoch"
Die Downloads des visionOS-Entwicklerkits sind laut Apple-Managerin höher ausgefallen als erwartet. Zuvor hieß es, die Developer Labs seien weniger nachgefragt.
#applevisionpro #developer #virtualreality #sdk #news
Adaptability ways out lives for new hope, and overcomes the unique challenges of web app project development.
#nodejs #npm #VisualStudio #appsdk #sdk #webapp #firebase #cli #firebasehosting #google #hosting #website #websitedevelopment #websitedesign #seosiri #momenulahmad
#nodejs #npm #visualstudio #appsdk #sdk #webapp #firebase #cli #firebasehosting #Google #hosting #website #websitedevelopment #websitedesign #seosiri #momenulahmad
@jwildeboer no question about it.
@fuchsiii got herself a used #BlackBerry several years ago.
The big downfall of BlackBerry was that pre-#Android their #SDK was utter garbage and when they chose #Android they failed to provide any added value to their brand, so they died out...
heise+ | Entwickeln für die Vision Pro: So funktioniert das visionOS-SDK
Zwar lässt die Vision Pro noch auf sich warten. Entwickler können das Apple-Headset aber bereits näher kommen. Wir zeigen, wie man mit dem Simulator arbeitet.
#apple #applevisionpro #developer #sdk #news
I am also looking for the software side of the #SDK. I already have 2.00, 2.10 and 2.20.
There are differences between these, to the extent that some software written for 2.00 will not compile with 2.20.
There might have been a 2.30 to correspond with the documentation versions.
Again, if you have anything like this, please get in touch.
#psion #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #90s #16bit #digipres
#digipres #16bit #90s #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #psion #sdk
OK, Fediverse. This is a long shot.
I am looking for the missing parts of the #Psion SIBO C #SDK.
The screenshot (and alt text) shows a breakdown of what I already have, scraped together from the internet and scans from people who still have paper copies.
I'm sure there are newer versions of some of these docs, especially 2-05 and 3-01.
I'm also looking for v1 of the SDK, covering the MC200 and MC400.
Can you help?
#retrocomputing #16bit #90s #programming #dev #digipres #vintagecomputing
#vintagecomputing #digipres #dev #programming #90s #16bit #retrocomputing #sdk #psion
"In May of this year, I began work on a Matrix SDK for Elixir with the aim of simplifying the process of Matrix-enabling Elixir applications. It is early days for the project but if you are interested in contributing (all skill levels welcome) or using the SDK as a foundation for another project, please let me know!"
#NiklasLong, 2020
Source code here:
#niklaslong #matrix #elixir #sdk #matrixelixirsdk
visionOS Beta 2: Mehr Details zur Vision-Pro-Bedienung sickern durch
Apple liefert die zweite Vorabversion von visionOS an Entwickler, die das Betriebssystem im Simulator testen können. Auch zum DevKit gibt es mehr Infos.
#apple #applevisionpro #virtualreality #sdk #news
Un SDK TypeScript pour Spotify.
Introducing the TypeScript SDK for the Spotify Web API | Spotify for Developers
#sdk #javascript #typescript #spotify —
#sdk #javascript #typescript #spotify
... dazu passend: Projektpartnerin Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek hat ebenso aktuell ein #AV_EFI- Stellenangebot: "Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiter*in als Data Scientist / Information Architect ➡️ Bei der #SDK und auch beim Filmmuseum @Duesseldorf (Ausschreibung folgt) liegt der Lead und Arbeitsschwerpunkt im Bereich #Metadatenmanagement ...
#av_efi #sdk #metadatenmanagement
Can anyone recommend a good #RubyLang #SDK for working with #GoogleAppsScript? I'd prefer to avoid working directly in #JavaScript, but transpilers like #CoffeeScript and others have their own problems.
#rubylang #sdk #googleappsscript #javascript #coffeescript
We're excited to announce that the #AMD #FidelityFX #SDK is now publicly available 🎆
This easy-to-integrate #opensource solution lets #gamedev add our FidelityFX technologies into their games without the hassle of complicated porting procedures.
As well as updates to our existing AMD FidelityFX technologies, we're delighted to add three more to the FidelityFX family:
✨ Depth of Field
✨ Blur
✨ Lens
Find out more on #gpuopen:
#amd #FidelityFX #sdk #opensource #gamedev #gpuopen
L'ultima mania #noalert è scoprire l'esistenza dell'#Android #SDK e di #ADB per cancellare file di sistema a caso e sconfiggere #ITAlert. Nella migliore delle ipotesi atto futile, nella peggiore e più comune, prologo ad un #cellulare malfunzionante
#noalert #android #sdk #adb #italert #cellulare
Quick notes for Thursday, June 22...
The Meta Quest 2 software update boosting performance was released today, as was the Apple Vision Pro SDK for developers*.
*I posted about the Meta Quest 2 performance update in my Mastodon profile below
#Meta #Quest #Quest2 #MetaQuest2 #Apple #VisionPro #AppleVisionPro #SDK #VisionProSDK #AR #VR #MR #XR #Spatial #SpatialComputing #GameDev
#meta #quest #Quest2 #MetaQuest2 #apple #visionpro #applevisionpro #sdk #visionprosdk #ar #vr #mr #xr #spatial #spatialcomputing #gamedev
visionOS 1.0: Was uns das SDK über Apple Vision Pro verrät
Apple hat Simulator und Software Development Kit für die Vision Pro veröffentlicht. Neben einem optischen Vorgeschmack gibt es auch interessante Neuigkeiten.
#apple #sdk #applevisionpro #xcode #news