It looks like #JacksonYee just saw a #MaXialong solo performance for the first time, and he's crying, and now Mashi's crying, and I'm crying.
And ahhh it's Mashi's own monologue that he wrote and recorded and is dancing to.
He's so wonderful.
Okay I immediately discovered I was wrong, Mashi's team did make it through. Which means Franklin must have to challenge to get one of the top 50 spots.
(Poor Franklin was at the front of the formation when he entirely forgot the last 10 seconds of his own choreo and had to freestyle instead, oh dear.)
Finally getting some #MaXiaolong (Mashi) in the third episode.
Only little scraps though. I wonder if he doesn't really hit his stride until season 3. He captured my heart from season 3 onwards & I was looking forward to seeing more of him here.
Maybe he doesn't make it past this round?? His team is up against #FranklinYu and I know Franklin made it through.
#maxiaolong #franklinyu #sdoc2
Again the captains have to do 10 pushups because a battle ended in a request for One More Round (thanks Wang Chenchen).
#VannessWu is ready to strip off to a singlet and go nuts with zero prompting.
He's a WHORE and I LOVE him.
(Sorry about the shitty quality of the screencaps. I'm just grabbing straight off YouTube and our bandwidth is not so great here.)
It's time for #LiuYuxin and all the dancers are dissing her for being an idol, saying she won't be competitive against the best dancers.
Clearly the producers are setting her up as an underdog so she can blow everyone away.
I don't mind it.
Gasp. #JiYang is such a beautiful dancer. The emotion in every move. Expressing through his body even more than through his face. It's breathtaking.
I've never heard of him before. Why hasn't he been in any later seasons, or the Masters group?
I hope he does well in this season at least.
Continuing on episode 2. #WiikSymphony and #YeYin omg first ever SDOC audition with no accompaniment. Just claps and foot-stomps. So so good.
Ye Yin has an afro, it's so extra.
oh first appearance of screenwriter #WangChenchen inventing a new rule where captain #ShowLo has to do 10 pushups if he calls for one more round.
Nice work Wang Chenchen.
#wiiksymphony #yeyin #wangchenchen #showlo #sdoc2
Episode 2, Vanness's team beats Han Geng's team in a 3x3 battle.
Geng-ge is sad.
Vanness hugs him and pats him on the back and calls him a good boy.
Vanness is a menace and a terror and wants to Dom everyone on the entire set, as far as I can tell.
And everyone on the set is very happy about it.
OMG Vanness and the krumper who stepped to him (Mao Ge) are having a Dom energy staredown.
Vanness is winning so hard, it's barely a contest. He's killing me. I'm going to DIE.
Krumper became a subby little kitten under Vanness's glare.
In the post audition, he said that Vanness "is stronger than me. he can control my beast."
YES HONEY let him control your beast.
I understand Mr Krumper, I'd be a subby little kitten under that glare too.
Everyone is screaming before he's even started dancing.
It feels like someone told him he had to butch up for this show. He tried. Butch(ish) AC is a bit strange. (Still adorable though.)
Gods AC is amazing, if Franklin actually did fall in love with him during this show, I can totally understand why.
#Gumball you beautiful BEAST I love you a lot. What a killer audition.
#VannessWu is being an absolute bitch to the dancers on his street and I fucking love it.
Please be a bitch to me Vanness 🥺
oh yes yes #FranklinYu 's audition is sending me. What a beautiful perfect boy.
I like #SanEr 's moves a lot. I wish he didn't have a reputation as a biter.
Going to watch #StreetDanceOfChina season 2 and maybe post some comments and screencaps as I go.
I'll tag as #SDOC2
Looking forward to seeing what #VanNess is like as a captain, although OMG his terrible Oasis haircut in the first episode is hurting me.
Also I want to see #FranklinYu and see more of #YeYin
#streetdanceofchina #sdoc2 #vanness #franklinyu #yeyin