METEOR-M N2-3 Morning Composite 2023/08/14 #SDRpp diy #QFH #sdrsharp #MeteorDump #MeteorGis
#sdrpp #qfh #sdrsharp #meteordump #meteorgis
SDR++ works on my cell phone, but what I realized was there just is not enough screen realestate to run a proper SDR program. And all of the single use apps seem very limited. But maybe a limited app is what is needed on a cell phone.
#app #cell #cellphone #android #sdrpp #sdr
Ha! Selbst kompiliert! Auf Raspberry4/64Bit. 👍 Die Anleitungen waren allesamt Schrott. Also mühsam jede Fehlermerldung analysiert und passende Libs installiert bis alles glatt durchlief. Blöde nur, dass ich mir das nicht kopiert habe und meine bash-History unvollständig ist. 🤦‍♂️ Trotzdem, für meine Verhältnisse eine Leistung. :blobcatgiggle: #sdrpp #raspberrypi
Was able to hook my spectrum analyzer to #sdrpp via #soapysdr so it can be used as a #sdr for #hamradio.
Pretty sweet, but not much going on on the 2 m band with the antenna in the basement. Working on building a active magnetic loop antenna for #hf. That should be more interesting :)
#sdrpp #soapysdr #sdr #hamradio #hf
In times of turmoil, upset, and uncertain futures, at least we have #WWV. For now, at least.
And no, I haven't logged into my Mastodon instance on this system yet, so deal with the potato screenshots. #DragonOS #SDRpp #AirSpy #HFplus #swl #hamradio
#hamradio #swl #hfplus #airspy #sdrpp #dragonos #wwv
Nice, time to find out where this broadband noise source is. #ham #hamradio #interference #mediumwave #40meters #DragonOS #SDRpp
#sdrpp #dragonos #40meters #mediumwave #interference #hamradio #ham
du côté des #sdr , est-ce que l'un·e d'entre-vous a déjà eu l'occasion de tester un #hackrf ? ça fonctionne bien ? avec quel os et quel logiciel ?
car 170€ en moyenne… faut pas trop se louper ><
nativement je vois qu'il est censé être utilisable dans #sdrpp par exemple