Gerade einen Talk gehört, der für Code und Data zu GitHub verlinkte. Das Repo enthält nur eine Readme, die auf Figshare verlinkt und ein bisschen Anleitung gibt. War das damals Requirement, dass man sein Artifact auf GitHub veröffentlicht?
I was very honoured to give the keynote talk today at the Software Engineering conference #se2023 . In case you are interested in the slides, they are here:
Bluescreen auf dem großen Beamer bei der Ansprache im Rathaus. Läuft, Computerstadt!
Alexander Serebrenik gives a great keynote on social software engineering at the German #SE2023. @seresearchers
Marian Daun's study indicates grad and undergrad students can't correctly self-rate their performance, no good correlation between confidence and output.
Stefan Schott on benchmarking Taint Analysis for Android:
Traditionally, benchmarks are costly to create and document -> re-use -> over-adaption.
So they created GenBenchDroid to generate benchmarks automagically. It appears to be a templating program with a validator to ensure it actually generated code with taintable data flow.
Steffen Herbold complains about a lack of testing methods for machine learning in "Smoke testing for machine learning: simple tests to discover severe bugs".
Throwing max double and zero values at ML libraries resulted in crashes, overflows and more. Whoops.
I'm at the GI Software Engineering Conference this week. Looking forward to the "best of" German, Austrian, and Swiss software engineering research. #SoftwareEngineering #se23 #gise23 #SE2023
#softwareengineering #se23 #gise23 #se2023
Semantic Fuzzing! Wed 11:00 at #SE2023 in Paderborn, join @dsteinhoefel and me for a presentation of our #ISLa input spec language, string solver, and semantic fuzzer:
Semantic Fuzzing! Wed 11:00 at #SE2023 in Paderborn, join @dsteinhoefel and me for a presentation of our #ISLa input spec language, string solver, and semantic fuzzer:
Semantic Fuzzing! Wed 11:00 at #SE2023 in Paderborn, join @dsteinhoefel and me for a presentation of our #ISLa input spec language, string solver, and semantic fuzzer:
Semantic Fuzzing! Wed 11:00 at #SE2023 in Paderborn, join @DomSteinhoefel and me for a presentation of our #ISLa input spec language, string solver, and semantic fuzzer: