Wait, people sit in traffic for interminable amounts of time to commute to work and schlep their kids around and then have to carve out MORE time from their days if they are going to get any exercise at all? #bikecommuting #BikeTooter #cycling #15minuteCities #urbanism #seabikes
#bikecommuting #BikeTooter #cycling #15minuteCities #urbanism #seabikes
Someone installed a ramp over the Missing Link gravel pit
Had a bike date which included riding along car-open Lake WA Blvd today (I was nice & let him use my e-bike)
-we dealt w handful of aggressive drivers including 2 who shouted at us (1 yelled incorrectly about laws regarding riding side by side)
-we still had good time, plus we kissed 🥰, so from the bottom of my queer heart: FUCK YOU drivers
#SEAbikes #Seattle
Visited #seattle Fire Station 2 in Belltown, the busiest in Seattle, with kid via bike. Antique fire bell out front was of great interest to kid. Firefighters were nice and accommodating. #fire #urbanism #seabikes #biketooter #cycling
#seattle #fire #urbanism #seabikes #BikeTooter #cycling
Wrapped up filming on my current video project, still have lots of work to do, but it’s gorgeous outside today!
-help, I’m trapped inside my GoPro!
-stop signs have now been reconfigured at 28th/Massachusetts to prioritize greenway users
-fun in the Rainier Valley
-Mercer Intl MS being rebuilt
#Seattle #SEAbikes #BikeTooter #RainierValley #neighborhoodGreenway
#seattle #seabikes #BikeTooter #rainiervalley #neighborhoodgreenway
Writer offers deep dive into Seattle's cycling history in 'Biking Uphill in the Rain'
| KNKX https://www.knkx.org/arts-culture/2023-09-07/writer-offers-deep-dive-into-seattles-cycling-history-in-biking-uphill-in-the-rain
100% design just dropped for the 11th/12th Ave NE protected bike lanes to be installed "starting as soon as" later this year.
It's not obvious to me from the design blueprints what the protection will be, the lanes kind of look like paint bike lanes in the blueprints? But hopefully I'm missing something #seabikes @seabikeblog @typewriteralley
Last day to complete Leary/Market Missing Link survey
The number of people using bikeshare and scootershare this evening at the corner of Broadway and Union was amazing, probably 2-3x the number of people riding personal bikes/scooters. Imagine if they weren't so overpriced and the bike lane went all the way up Broadway. #seabikes
I replaced the brakes on our RadWagon with Magura MT5e brakes. So much better! A very easy upgrade too, fits right on the existing rotor and integrates with the engine cut off and brake light. #radwagon #SEAbikes
The part is this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EQS1Z6O
Sounds like Elliott Bay Book Co is getting another shipment of my books tomorrow! It’s been sold out since the day it launched, which is a good problem to have. #SEAbikes
To prepare for inadequate bus/rail frequencies this fall/winter, I'm investing a bit more in a better biking setup. First step just accomplished -- adding fenders.
Seattle needs a permanently safe space for biking and walking on Lake Washington Blvd
Reminder: From Sept 7–13, you will not be able to bring a bike on the Bainbridge Ferry due to construction work. It will be walk-on only. Folding bikes are allowed if you can carry them on. https://www.seattlebikeblog.com/2023/08/21/alert-9-7-13-no-bikes-allowed-as-bainbridge-ferry-goes-walk-on-only/
Thumbs up if you love cycling on Neighborhood Greenways in #seattle! On a serious note, stay safe out there, especially as the rain picks up. My rear wheel hit a pothole at S Ferdinand St and 39th Ave S and slipped out from under me. My right thumb is broken but it should heal in 5-6 weeks. Thank you to the nearby pedestrians who offered to help and to the driver behind me for driving away (instead of running me over). #seabikes
The number of times that I’m driving with my family and think, if X component of Seattle’s long term transit plan had already been built/implemented we would be using transit right now. #seattle #seabikes #transit #urbanism #trains #PublicTransport
#seattle #seabikes #transit #urbanism #trains #PublicTransport
Really need a trip planner app that gives best routing and ETA for biking + throwing the bike on bus/light rail #seabikes
Port plans to fix pinch points and remove the narrow Interbay trail bridge