Whitehaven harbour in Cumbria have installed their seventh sea bin - the low powered devices suck in floating debris, reducing the levels of plastic in the water. They each hold 20kg of rubbish and the article says that they're being emptied once or twice a day!
#GoodNews #Waterway #Sea #Harbour #SeaBin #Plastic #Rubbish #Cleaning #Clean #Cumbria
#goodnews #waterway #sea #harbour #seabin #plastic #rubbish #cleaning #clean #cumbria
"About 8 million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in our ocean every year, and forecasts suggest this could double by 2025 if we don't take drastic action."
"Seabin Project is a clean tech startup on an ambitious mission to help solve the global problem of ocean plastic pollution and ocean conservation."
"Their commercial product acts as a floating garbage bin and intercepts trash, oil, fuel and detergents."
#Conservation #Pollution #seabin #plastics #plastic
Stampa Rassegnata 116 13-19Lug https://wombat.noblogs.org/2020/07/21/stampa-rassegnata-116-13-19lug/ #raccoltadifferenziata #interventoineconomia #PNOStampaRassegnata #pericolositàsociale #tariffapuntuale #ermelindanotav #microplastiche #questuratorino #campegginotav #greenwashing #avvisoorale #grandiopere #neolberismo #portaaporta #Bassilichi #articolo1 #chiomonte #emergenza #normalità #covid-19 #Lifegate #madamine #presidio #armonia #turismo #unicoop #Airbnb #clarea #seabin #stato #cina #coop
#raccoltadifferenziata #interventoineconomia #pnostamparassegnata #pericolositàsociale #tariffapuntuale #ermelindanotav #microplastiche #questuratorino #campegginotav #greenwashing #avvisoorale #grandiopere #neolberismo #portaaporta #bassilichi #articolo1 #chiomonte #emergenza #normalità #COVID #Lifegate #madamine #presidio #armonia #turismo #unicoop #airbnb #clarea #seabin #stato #cina #coop