RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
Every week at Sands End Arts & Community Centre, #free #activities for #children aged 5-10 with @sharkyngeorge@twitter.com as part of SEACC’s #warmwelcome Thursday sessions. Soup & bread for parents/carers & snacks for kids. No booking necessary, 3.30 to 5.30pm. #seaccfulham #charity
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1617863081027338240
#free #Activities #children #warmwelcome #seaccfulham #charity
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
Great start to the new year, seeing so many people at Walnut Tree Cafe at Sands End Arts & Community Centre today. The air was filled with the smell of baking banana bread & lemon drizzle is on the menu too this week. #seaccfulham #walnuttreecafe #communitycentre #cafe #cake
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1613596985935757312
#seaccfulham #walnuttreecafe #CommunityCentre #cafe #cake
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
An Introduction to British Sign Language course @deafunity@twitter.com begins at Sands End Arts & Community Centre Tues 24 January. Contact Deaf Unity for more info. #britishsignlanguage #bsl #newskill #seaccfulham #communitycentre #artscentre #fulham #charity #learning #community
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1613209299735674880
#britishsignlanguage #bsl #newskill #seaccfulham #CommunityCentre #artscentre #fulham #charity #learning #community
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
Drop in to Sands End Arts & Community Centre tomorrow, 11am and 1pm, for the second #free #art session with @SessionsUrban@twitter.com, all ages, materials supplied and a tutor is on hand. Yesterday, Happy Drums kept children & adults enthralled. #seaccfulham #communitycentre #artscentre
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1608564327828848640
#free #art #seaccfulham #CommunityCentre #artscentre
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
FREE EVENTS next week at Sands End Arts & Community Centre #fulham. Wed 28, Happy Drums (families, children 2+), Thu 29 & Fri 30, #art sessions with @SessionsUrban@twitter.com tutor & materials supplied (all ages). All take place 11am to 1pm, no need to book. #seaccfulham #free #events
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1605927426764075008
#fulham #art #seaccfulham #free #events
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
There’s a big warm welcome at Sands End Arts & Community Centre’s #warmhub, which operates Mondays and Thursdays in the Lodge, 12.30 to 6pm. In collaboration with @LBHF@twitter.com. Hot drinks, warm food, free WiFi, children’s toys, books & activities. #seaccfulham #communitycentre #fulham
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1601124115607621632
#warmhub #seaccfulham #CommunityCentre #fulham
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
POSTPONED. The #free Paddington Trio #concert on Saturday 10 December has been postponed and will now take place in the new year, date still to be confirmed. #seaccfulham #fulham #communitycentre #artscentre #charity #postponed #music #southparkfulham #paddingtontrio
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1600753379751657473
#free #concert #seaccfulham #fulham #CommunityCentre #artscentre #charity #postponed #music #southparkfulham #paddingtontrio
Have a look at this great #Christmas programme from @SEACCFulham@twitter.com, going from strength to strength in serving our #Fulham community: https://www.seacc.uk/2022/11/29/introducing-seaccs-first-free-christmas-programme.
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
Many thanks to Fulham-based pianist Yu Su and tenor Tyler Clarke opened Sands End Arts & Community Centre’s #christmas programme with a #free family #concert this afternoon. Check website for other free events this month. #seaccfulham #communitycentre #artscentre #charity
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1600185134627422209
#christmas #fulham #free #concert #seaccfulham #CommunityCentre #artscentre #charity
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
Mulled wine & home made mince pies are now available at Walnut Tree Cafe at Sands End Arts & Community Centre. We’re offering these after our #free #christmas events, beginning with this afternoon’s #family #concert at 4.30pm. #walnuttreecafe #seaccfulham #communitycentre #fulham
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1600099984271036416
#free #christmas #family #concert #walnuttreecafe #seaccfulham #CommunityCentre #fulham
RT @SeaccFulham@twitter.com
Tonight and every Wednesday, 7pm #theinsightinstitute is @SeaccFulham@twitter.com in the Lodge. Discount for Sulivan Court residents. #seaccfulham #communitycentre #artscentre #community #charity #venuehire #eventspace #fulham #southparkfulham book via @EventbriteUK@twitter.com @insightwarrior@twitter.com https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1595436493568442369
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaccFulham/status/1595436493568442369
#theinsightinstitute #seaccfulham #CommunityCentre #artscentre #community #charity #venuehire #eventspace #fulham #southparkfulham