#PerfectStrangers s3e10 (1987) - 6/10
❝Balki, ever since we got cable you spend all night watching TV and eating junk food.❞
1️⃣ It’s a thin story idea, but they manage to generate some decent physical comedy. Fighting over the remote, etc.
2️⃣ Several classic TV shows are referenced and/or heard on the TV: #TheBradyBunch, #TheFlyingNun, #IDreamOfJeannie, #LeaveItToBeaver, #MisterEd, and #SeaHunt.
📺 My 545th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 2h10m of TV every day.
#perfectstrangers #thebradybunch #theflyingnun #idreamofjeannie #leaveittobeaver #mistered #seahunt #tvreview #80stv #comedy
[1959] Sea Hunt - Action adventure series starring Lloyd Bridges as former Navy diver Mike Nelson.
"Underwater Unit", Mike takes part in a daring rescue mission of a woman held prisoner by foreign forces.
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #seahunt #lloydbridges
Stuntman/Director #RicouBrowning, the man best known as the Gill Man in the underwater scenes of #CreatureFromTheBlackLagoon and its sequels, has died at 93. Browning's stunt credits include #20000LeaguesUnderTheSea, #DontGiveUpTheShip and #SeaHunt. He directed underwater scenes for #Thunderball, #NeverSayNeverAgain, and the pool scene in #Caddyshack. He also created the original #Flipper movie and TV series. #RIP
#ricoubrowning #creaturefromtheblacklagoon #20000leaguesunderthesea #dontgiveuptheship #seahunt #thunderball #neversayneveragain #caddyshack #flipper #rip
#RicouBrowning (1930-2023)—Actor, writer, director, cinematographer.
As the #CreatureFromTheBlackLagoon, he was the last surviving actor to play a classic Universal Monster.
He also co-created #Flipper, directed #SeaHunt and #GentleBen and created underwater sequences for Bond films.
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/ricou-browning-dead-creature-from-the-black-lagoon-1235337925/ #RIPRicouBrowning #FilmMastodon #ClassicFilm #UniversalMonsters
#universalmonsters #classicfilm #FilmMastodon #ripricoubrowning #gentleben #seahunt #Flipper #CreatureFromTheBlackLagoon #ricoubrowning
Tonight in 1958 — #SeaHunt debuted in first-run syndication.
#LloydBridges starred as former Navy diver Mike Nelson in this adventure series from producer #IvanTors.
It’s streaming on #PlutoTV.
#nostalgia #1960stv #1960s #1950stv #1950s #classictv #plutotv #ivantors #lloydbridges #seahunt