Inspired by the #CommanderSealed stream that #LoadingReadyRun did for #FridayNightPaperFight … my local play group decided to give it a try today.
We couldn’t find the same booster packs suggested, so we went with what we could find. Still a lot of fun, even when the group decided not to do the trading thing. (Either way, Atraxa is still a ridiculous card. LOL!)
My deck list:
#MagicTheGathering #MTG #Commander #EDH #LRR #FNPF #SealedDeck
#commandersealed #loadingreadyrun #fridaynightpaperfight #magicthegathering #mtg #commander #edh #lrr #fnpf #sealeddeck
Any #MagicTheGathering folks want to take a crack at this #SealedDeck pool? I have an idea of what to do with it, but it seems like a tough one, and I often miss things. #MTGLimited
#magicthegathering #sealeddeck #mtglimited