Question for anyone who's lived on the #BigIsland of #Hawaii for many years: The other day I visited Carlsmith Beach Park -- a favorite spot, but this was my first time there right at high tide -- and was surprised to see the paved path that leads to steps going down into the water completely submerged. Is this the way it's always been, or is it a more recent development due to #SeaLevel rise? Mahalo for any info!
Study finds ‘direct evidence’ of #polar amplification on continent as scientists warn of implications of #ice loss. #Antarctica is likely #warming @ almost 2x rate of rest of world & faster than #climatechange models are predicting w far-reaching implications for #global #sealevel rise. #Scientists analysed 78 Antarctic #icecores to recreate temperatures going back 1,000 yrs & found the warming across continent was outside what could be expected from natural swings.
#polar #ice #antarctica #warming #climatechange #global #sealevel #scientists #icecores
A Drowned Future For Coastal Ecosystems
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #coast #coastal #coastalprotection #coastalecosystems #ecosystems #climatechange #SLR #sealevel #sealevelrise #GMSL #sedimentation #tidal #tidalmarshes #mangroves #foodsecurity #coral #coralreefs #humanimpacts #global #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #flooding #innundation #risk #hazard
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #coast #coastal #coastalprotection #coastalecosystems #ecosystems #climatechange #slr #sealevel #sealevelrise #gmsl #sedimentation #tidal #tidalmarshes #mangroves #FoodSecurity #coral #coralreefs #humanimpacts #global #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #flooding #innundation #risk #hazard
Weil-Accardo provide a new set of paleo sea level constraints from the Last Interglacial from Madgascar, collected using modern field techniques and measurements. They find that relative sea level in this location was relatively stable at about 3.4 m above present between 129 and 115 thousand years ago. There is no evidence of fluctuations or higher relative sea level at this location. #PaleoClimate #SeaLevel #ClimateChange #IceSheets
#IceSheets #climatechange #sealevel #paleoclimate
Yesterday's high tide is becoming today's new normal.
"Due to #sealevel rise, coastal elevations that we once knew as marking the highest water level over a typical daily tidal cycle now correspond more closely to the average level of the sea"
One thing I have always considered doing is a climate science related podcast. I never went ahead with it, because it takes a lot of time to set something like that up. However, with my current bout of unemployment, this has crept back into my mind. The question is, is their an audience for a podcast that will undoubtedly be a very nerdy look at climate science? #ClimateChange #ClimateScience #PaleoClimate #SeaLevel #podcast
#podcast #sealevel #paleoclimate #climatescience #climatechange
The Nuuk area in western Greenland (the type locality of #Sapphirine) is one of the places where sea level is falling! Not only is ice melting, uncovering new rocks and unloading the lithosphere, but the mass of ice that's missing no longer attracts the water, so it recedes. Read more at the Arctic Hub:
#MinCup23 #Greenland #Cryosphere #SeaLevel
#sapphirine #mincup23 #greenland #cryosphere #sealevel
World's Beaches Are Changing Because Of Climate Change
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #SLR #sealevelrise #Anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
#gis #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #Hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #slr #sealevelrise #anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
Rush et al propose, based on a high resolution sea level record from Scotland, that the 8.2 ka event was caused not by the catastrophic drainage of proglacial lake Agassiz-Ojibway, but rather from the collapse and disintegration of the ice saddle that covered Hudson Bay. The 8.2 ka event was a brief period of cooler temperatures during the relatively warm mid-Holocene period. #ClimateChange #PaleoClimate #SeaLevel
#sealevel #paleoclimate #climatechange
Zaretskaya et al present some preliminary results of dating last interglacial (MIS 5e, 130-115 ka) marine deposits from Zimnii Coast of the White Sea in northwestern Russia. They conclude these deposits represent a transgressive event, and some of the enviornmental indicators suggest that the peak sea level coincided with cold, Arctic climatic conditions. The ages they get are kind of young for MIS 5e, though. #SeaLevel #ClimateChange #PaleoClimate #LastInterglacial
#lastinterglacial #paleoclimate #climatechange #sealevel
Robertson et al evaluate the long term uplift rates in Crete by wave cut paleoshorelines, some of which are dated using ³⁵Cl dating. One of the interesting things is that they find that one of the shorelines dates to early MIS 3, and if correct suggests higher sea level than the global proxy based sea level reconstructions. However, this area is affected by glacial isostatic adjustment, which was not taken into account. I calculate it is on the order of 10 m. #SeaLevel
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Louisiana #coast #coastalcommunities #coastalprotection #mitigation #monitoring #engineering #wetlands #wetlandsconservation #sealevel #sealevelrise #SLR #stormsurge #extremeweather #climatechange #landform #USA #gulfcoast #subsidence #erosion #groundwater #saltwater #saltwaterintrusion #NewOrleans #marsh #saltwatermarshes #wetlandloss
@noaaclimate @usgs
#gis #spatial #mapping #louisiana #coast #coastalcommunities #coastalprotection #mitigation #monitoring #engineering #wetlands #wetlandsconservation #sealevel #sealevelrise #slr #stormsurge #extremeweather #climatechange #landform #USA #gulfcoast #subsidence #erosion #groundwater #saltwater #saltwaterintrusion #neworleans #marsh #saltwatermarshes #wetlandloss
34 jaar
14 januari 1949-21 januari 1983
Amerikaans bassist die #BerryOakley vervangt in de band #TheAllmanBrothers na diens ongeluk met de motor, hij blijft bij de band tot 1976.
Vanaf 1976 sticht hij, samen met #ChuckLeavell, #jazzfusion band #SeaLevel.
Vanaf 1980 vormt hij #WayneSharpandTheSharpshooterBand, maar men ontdekt longkanker bij hem, opgelopen in de Vietnam oorlog door gebruik van Agent Orange.
En sterft op 21 januari 1983.
#lamarwilliams #berryoakley #theallmanbrothers #chuckleavell #jazzfusion #sealevel #waynesharpandthesharpshooterband #gonetoosoon
A question for the more scientifically inclined: I was just reading a story in the Post about sea level rise in New Orleans. They said that in some places it was as much as 7 inches. Now I know that isn't world wide. My question for you is; how can sea level rise be more in one place than another if the sea is a contiguous body of water?
En términos relativos a nuestra civilización, 2300 está ahí a la vuelta de la esquina y la #Antartida empieza a dar señales de derretimiento.
La proyecciones indican que su contribución al #niveldelmar para 2300 será de 1 m ya inevitable añadiendo lo que podamos o no evitar mediante mitigación de hasta 2,5 m para +2ºC y hasta 10 m en escenarios más pesimistas como RCP 8.5.
#antarctica #sealevel #niveldelmar #antartida
@B_Whitewind Yeah...
Basically Florida's Economy is fucked for decades if not centuries, unless it'll become a #WreckDiving & #DeepDiving spot when the poles melt away and hydrostatic rebalance will result in 135m higher #sealevel compared to #WGS84...
#wgs84 #sealevel #deepdiving #wreckdiving
Simple projection of coasts in northern Europe with 65m sea level rise. 65m sea level rise is what we get by melted polar caps alone. The thermal expansion of oceans will add on top.
Other effects like rising or sinking of land are not taken into account here.
Made screenshot while playing with
Mapped - What Did The World Look Like In The Last Ice Age?
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #iceage #LastGlacialMaximum #sealevel #glaciers #ice #visualisation #LGM #lasticeage #earthhistory #climate #climatechange #map #cartography #research #elevation #topography #remotesensing #opendata #global #poles #polar #pole #icemass #iceandsnow
#VisualCapitalist @visualcapitalist
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #iceage #lastglacialmaximum #sealevel #glaciers #ice #visualisation #lgm #lasticeage #earthhistory #climate #climatechange #map #cartography #research #elevation #topography #remotesensing #opendata #global #poles #polar #pole #icemass #iceandsnow #visualcapitalist
#GulfStream collapse: #UK effects of #ClimateChange if ocean current stops – and when it might happen
The collapse of the Gulf Stream is a major ‘tipping point’ in the climate crisis – and scientists say it must not happen
By Alex Nelson
7th Aug 2021, 8:04am
"In February [2021], Stefan Rahmstorf told The Guardian that further weakening of the circulation could lead to more #ExtremeWeather events in #Europe, including damaging #storms across the UK.
"A scientist at the Potsdam Institute for #Climate Impact Research scientist said, Rahmstorf said: 'In 20 to 30 years it is likely to weaken further, and that will inevitably influence our weather, so we would see an increase in storms and #heatwaves in #Europe, and #SeaLevel rises on the east coast of the #US.'"
#gulfstream #uk #ClimateChange #extremeweather #europe #storms #climate #heatwaves #sealevel #us #amoc #sealevelrise #climatecatastrophe
Wind Is A Major Driver Of Antarctic Deep Water Formation And The Planet's Ocean Circulation
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #weather #climate #oceancirculation #ocean #currents #circulation #antarctica #antarctic #marine #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #SouthernOcean #AntarcticBottomWater #AABW #nutrients #foodchain #wind #ocean #overturning #heat #hydrography #climatechange #impacts #winds #sealevel #SLR #sealevelrise #coast #coastal #polar #polarwinds #seaice #salinity #carbon #temperature #research
#gis #spatial #mapping #weather #climate #oceancirculation #ocean #currents #Circulation #antarctica #antarctic #marine #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #southernocean #antarcticbottomwater #aabw #nutrients #foodchain #wind #overturning #heat #hydrography #climatechange #impacts #winds #sealevel #slr #sealevelrise #coast #coastal #polar #polarwinds #seaice #salinity #carbon #temperature #research