Scientists have discovered more than 19,000 undersea volcanoes using new seamount maps. These unexplored volcanoes could host diverse life forms and mineral resources. They could also help us understand plate tectonics, ocean mixing, and climate change.
#underseavolcanoes #seamounts #oceanography
Global Distribution And Morphology Of Small Seamounts
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #seamount #seamounts #hydrospatial #water #hydrography #survey #mapping #modeling #model #marine #ocean #seafloor #oceanfloor #remotesensing #gravity #VCG #topography #morphology #geomorphology #verticalgravitygradient #global #bathmetry #corrleation
#gis #spatial #mapping #seamount #seamounts #hydrospatial #water #hydrography #survey #modeling #model #marine #ocean #seafloor #oceanfloor #remotesensing #gravity #vcg #topography #Morphology #geomorphology #verticalgravitygradient #global #bathmetry #corrleation
Pacific Seamounts 2018 Expedition Report [British Columbia, Canada]
-- <-- report as a PDF
[Tang.ɢwan – ḥačxwiqak – Tsig̱is Area of Interest (TḥT AOI)]
#environmental #marine #mining #data #management #environment #biodiversity #canada #offshore #GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #sonar #bathymetry #bathymetric #britishcolumbia #seafloor #seamounts #HaidaNation #NPSEP #ocean #oceanconservation #oceanography #survey #expedition #research #rov #underwater
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
#environmental #marine #mining #data #management #Environment #biodiversity #Canada #offshore #gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #sonar #bathymetry #bathymetric #britishcolumbia #seafloor #seamounts #HaidaNation #npsep #ocean #OceanConservation #oceanography #survey #expedition #research #rov #underwater
DAY 5: Not only are there lakes in the deep sea, but there are also mountains!There are thought to be ~30,000 - 100,000 #seamounts globally but we can’t be certain because the current maps of the #ocean floor aren’t detailed enough yet! 📷: #deepsea