Es ist mal wieder einer dieser verregneten, energiefressenden Tage, an denen es abends einfach einen Wohlfühl-Film braucht, den man inzwischen so gut kennt, dass man auch sorglos dabei einschlafen kann. Also, Zeit für die #JagdAufRoterOktober . #HuntForRedOctober #SeanConnery ⚓️
#jagdaufroteroktober #huntforredoctober #seanconnery
#25agosto #botd #cinemastodon #filmastodon #unocinema
A Edimburgo è #NatoOggi nel 1930 l'attore #SeanConnery il più celebre 007 e quello che meglio si è riscattato dai panni dell'agente segreto
#25agosto #botd #cinemastodon #filmastodon #unocinema #NatoOggi #seanconnery
"Forse non sono un buon attore, ma qualsiasi cosa avessi fatto sarebbe stata peggio".
Nasceva il #25agosto del 1930 un mito del cinema: #SeanConnery, attore, produttore e vincitore di un premio Oscar
#25agosto #seanconnery #ilbortoneficio
#Movies #FromRussiaWithLove #JamesBond
Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
#SeanConnery, #DanielaBianchi “FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE” (1963) dir. #TerenceYoung
#movies #fromrussiawithlove #jamesbond #seanconnery #danielabianchi #terenceyoung
Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
“DR NO” (1962) dir. #TerenceYoung
#SeanConnery, #UrsulaAndress, #JosephWiseman, #JackLord, #AnthonyDawson, #JohnKitzmiller, #EuniceGayson
#movies #drno #jamesbond #terenceyoung #seanconnery #ursulaandress #josephwiseman #jacklord #anthonydawson #johnkitzmiller #eunicegayson
I've only ever seen him in the red nappy.
Via Neville F Chamberlain
#SeanConnery, #CharlotteRampling “ZARDOZ” (1974) dir. #JohnBoorman
#movies #zardoz #seanconnery #charlotterampling #johnboorman
Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
#SeanConnery, photographed here with co-stars #GertFröbe and #HaroldSakata during a break in filming on location at
@StokePark Club in Buckinghamshire, England for the #JamesBond film “GOLDFINGER” (1964)
#movies #goldfinger #seanconnery #gertfrobe #haroldsakata #jamesbond
Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
#SeanConnery, #TippiHedren “MARNIE” (1964) dir. #AlfredHitchcock
#movies #marnie #seanconnery #tippihedren #alfredhitchcock
Hace 93 años del nacimiento de Sir Sean Connery @laparadadelcine #seanconnery #jamesbond
25-8 Birthday Sean Connery
Music Karpa ❿ Drakre52 Film
#drakre52 #morphing #seanconnery #seanconnery007
#seanconnery007 #seanconnery #morphing #drakre52
#Movies #JamesBond #Goldfinger
Via Neville F Chamberlain @NevilleFChambe1
“GOLDFINGER” (1964) dir. Guy Hamilton
#movies #jamesbond #goldfinger #seanconnery #honorblackman #gertfrobe #haroldsakata
How do we know Sean Connery was a great actor? He was thoroughly convincing as the original James Bond; in real life, he thought he'd be a terrible spy.
#SeanConnery #JamesBond #JamesBond007 #movies #movienews #Film #entertainment #entertinmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#seanconnery #jamesbond #jamesbond007 #movies #movienews #film #Entertainment #entertinmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
Responding to #UnpopularMovieOpinions, I think #SeanConnery's great acting shows in that his accent became part of his characters, and not a part we viewers minded much. #ArnoldSchwarzenegger same. Characters talking with no noticeable accent is overrated and not that memorable. Being memorable is an important part of acting. It doesn't matter what you do if you're forgotten.
#unpopularmovieopinions #seanconnery #arnoldschwarzenegger
Schon gewusst? Der Druidenspion Nullnullsix ist mit dem Einsteher Astonius Martinius DBix unterwegs. Die Entwicklung zusammenfaltbarer Zugtiere ist bei Kiuix offenbar noch in Arbeit. Die Odyssee, Seite 8. #Asterix #JamesBond #seanconnery #karikatur
#karikatur #seanconnery #jamesbond #asterix
#Filmfest 871 #Cinema #RobinandMarian #AudreyHepburn #SeanConnery #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #RobinHood
Robin und Marian (Robin and Marian, USA 1976) #Filmfest 871
#filmfest #cinema #robinandmarian #audreyhepburn #seanconnery #film #movies #movingpicture #robinhood
Via Neville F Chamberlain @nevillefchambe1
#SeanConnery and #AdolfoCeli photographed in the gardens @pinewoodstudios during a break in filming the fourth #JamesBond film “THUNDERBALL” (1965)
#movies #thunderball #seanconnery #adolfoceli #jamesbond
Just rewatched Zardoz and it is absolutely CRINGE. But you sort of have to rewatch it now and then...
#cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #Watching #Zardoz #JohnBoorman #SeanConnery
#cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #watching #zardoz #johnboorman #seanconnery
The comic-book movie so bad it made Sean Connery quit acting: ‘His passion had left him’
#TheLeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen #SeanConnery #JasonFlemyng #StuartTownsend #FlickNook #FabFlicks
#fabflicks #flicknook #stuarttownsend #jasonflemyng #seanconnery #TheLeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen
The theme for this week's #LetterboxdFriday was clearly... eh... "It's too hot outside, I'll just watch whatever".
#EnnioMorricone #Ennio #Outland #PeterHyams #SeanConnery #NoHardFeelings #JenniferLawrence #HiredToKill
#lastfourwatched #Letterboxd #cinemastodon #filmastodon
#LetterboxdFriday #enniomorricone #ennio #outland #peterhyams #seanconnery #nohardfeelings #jenniferlawrence #hiredtokill #lastfourwatched #Letterboxd #cinemastodon #filmastodon
The #RalphFiennes #UmaThurman #Avengers #Movie uncannily has the following exchange:
August DeWynter (#SeanConnery): Time to die.
#JohnSteed (Fiennes): Not just yet.
#ralphfiennes #umathurman #avengers #movie #seanconnery #johnsteed #notimetodie #jamesbond