Hear/see first hand an assortment of the Godfather's, along w/ the Premier Godmother, of a lot of the #DarkMoney that lords over #America right now starting 5yrs ago. Watch as they award themselves for their skilled efforts in corrupting & corroding our precious democratic experiment. Evil in plain sight.
#GinniThomas #LeonardLeo #SeanHannity #DanBongino #LarryPArnn #ThomasJFitton #CharlieKirk #JamesOkeefe of #ProjectVeritas #ChrisPlante #RichardViguerie #BobMcEwen
#bobmcewen #richardviguerie #chrisplante #projectveritas #jamesokeefe #charliekirk #thomasjfitton #larryparnn #danbongino #seanhannity #LeonardLeo #ginnithomas #america #darkmoney
TheOnion: Americans Guess Trump's Weight https://www.theonion.com/americans-guess-trumps-weight-1850775314?utm_source=regular #salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
#salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
TheOnion: Americans Guess Trump's Weight https://www.theonion.com/americans-guess-trumps-weight-1850775314?utm_source=regular #salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
#salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
TheOnion: Americans Guess Trump's Weight https://www.theonion.com/americans-guess-trumps-weight-1850775314?utm_source=regular #salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
#salvadorgutierez #camillagenovese #margarethowell #marcuswilliams #thurstonwesley #angelikagraham #alainawilliams #justiniglesias #heathertezuka #derekpeterman #johnackhurst #sashabegonia #flubdederdam #marthakaydor #melaniatrump #unitsofmass #seanhannity #donaldtrump #frankbarnes #petemiller #lesterknox #rachaelray #jaredolson #danmott #jesus #pound
Come on Sean. You're "reporting" from the network that had to fork out almost $800 million for lying. You're in no position to lecture anybody on #TheTruth.
#liars #foxnews #seanhannity #thetruth
As each of the three major cable news networks prepared for the possibility of an indictment of Donald Trump Monday night in Georgia, #FoxNews host #SeanHannity turned to none other than #PaulManafort.
#foxnews #seanhannity #paulmanafort
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sean Hannity Calls Ohio Abortion Rights Blowout 'Pretty Sobering' https://jezebel.com/sean-hannity-calls-ohio-abortion-rights-blowout-pretty-1850729444 #Jezebel #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #abortionintheunitedstates #christianityandabortion #republicanparty #gretchenwhitmer #dougmastriano #mikehuckabee #socialissues #seanhannity #billclinton #tudordixon #abortion #politics #dobbs
#jezebel #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #abortionintheunitedstates #christianityandabortion #republicanparty #gretchenwhitmer #dougmastriano #mikehuckabee #socialissues #seanhannity #billclinton #tudordixon #abortion #politics #dobbs
#House “Speaker” #KevinMcCarthy (R) said Mon night that unsubstantiated investigations launched by #Republican lawmakers into the business dealings of President #Biden’s family members are “rising to the level of #impeachment inquiry.”
#McCarthy’s comments to host #SeanHannity on #FauxNews mark the furthest he has gone in suggesting that #HouseRepublicans might seek to #impeach #Biden, which some #FarRight members in his narrow majority have advocated.
#house #kevinmccarthy #republican #biden #impeachment #mccarthy #seanhannity #fauxnews #houserepublicans #impeach #farright
ding ding ding ding. TKO #GavinNewsom over #SeanHannity. Hannity can't let Newsom finish an answer.
Masterclass in messaging.
Gavin Newsom says Fox News, host Sean Hannity are on a ‘doom loop about California’
#CaliforniaDoomLoop #GavinNewsom #FoxNews #SeanHannity #CaliforniaPolitics #MediaBias #Politics #News
#californiadoomloop #gavinnewsom #foxnews #seanhannity #californiapolitics #mediabias #politics #news
Gavin Newsom Gives Sean Hannity Blunt Fact-Checks In Fiery Fox News Clash
#HuffPost #GavinNewsom #SeanHannity #FactChecks #FoxNews #FieryClash #Politics #News
#huffpost #gavinnewsom #seanhannity #factchecks #foxnews #fieryclash #politics #news
Oh Donald Trump, your panic's so loud,
It echoed out to a friendly crowd.
It was Sean Hannity who put you on edge
Your response, an uncomfortable hedge.
For when asked about tapes and what you said,
Our hero was silent, left with dread.
#donaldtrump #msnbc #seanhannity #panic #ode #poetry
#SeanHannity was booed by the audience during his #townhall with former President #DonaldTrump on Thursday after the @FoxNews host suggested #Trump could tone down his insults in an effort to appeal to moderates.
#seanhannity #townhall #donaldtrump #trump
"Journalists should report the news accurately without trying to sensationalize it."
Definition of sensationalize
as in to exaggerate
disapproving to describe or show something in a way that makes it seem more shocking than it really is
Journalists should report the news accurately without trying to sensationalize it.
#Journalism #News #newsrewind #cnn #cnbc #foxcorporation #foxnews #cbs #abc #sensational #TuckerCarlson #seanhannity
#TuckerCarlson #LauraIngraham #SeanHannity #FoxNews
Will it be Laura or Sean NEXT?
#tuckercarlson #lauraingraham #seanhannity #foxnews #tuckercarlsongotfired
The Tyee: Please Advise! How Did Tucker Carlson Get Himself Fired? (in Opinion) https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2023/04/24/Please-Advise-How-Did-Tucker-Carlson-Get-Fired/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #DominionVotingSystems #MarjorieTaylorGreene #SuccessionTVshow #PierrePoilievre #MariaBartiromo #TuckerCarlson #VladimirPutin #DonLemonCNN #RussiaToday #SeanHannity #NikkiHaley #LoganRoy #FoxNews
#BCNews #TheTyee #dominionvotingsystems #marjorietaylorgreene #successiontvshow #pierrepoilievre #mariabartiromo #tuckercarlson #VladimirPutin #donlemoncnn #russiatoday #seanhannity #nikkihaley #loganroy #foxnews
Have you never heard of a courtesy flush?
The bowl isn’t clean. Keep flushing.
#TuckerCarlson #LauraIngraham #SeanHannity #FoxLiars #FoxNews #CourtesyFlush
#courtesyflush #foxnews #foxliars #seanhannity #lauraingraham #tuckercarlson
Firing Tuckums will still take 20+ years to cover the cost of the lawsuit. Maybe they need to let go of Fartiromo and Calamity Sean too.
#foxnews #tuckercarlson #bartiromo #seanhannity #racistlosersoneandall
#racistlosersoneandall #seanhannity #bartiromo #tuckercarlson #foxnews