Something about this time of year. The bliss and the heart aches.
Poignant, bitter sweet, and beautiful writing in the IT by #SeánMoncrieff about having loved and loss. Sweet and melancholy.
2 minute read. I think it will resonate with many. It will bring a tear or two. You have been warned.
Not pay walled at the moment.
Something about this time of year. The bliss and the heart aches.
Poignant, bitter sweet, and beautiful writing in the IT by #SeánMoncrieff about having loved and loss. Sweet and melancholy.
2 minute read. I think it will resonate with many. It will bring a tear or two. You have been warned.
Not pay walled at the moment.
Devastatingly sad piece by #SeánMoncrieff about losing a long-lost lover
There's @fplogue coming up on #SeanMoncrieff on #Newstalk to talk about making a FOI request.