#WhatDougsReading : today Hugless Douglas is delving into two musical Nicks, with Richard Morton Jack's new Nick Drake biography from John Murray, & Sean O'Hagan's fascinating Nick Cave book Faith, Hope & Carnage in paperback from
@canongatebooks , which our own Joe loved in hardback last year.
#music #books #biography #bookstodon #NickCave #NickDrake #SeanOHagan #RichardMortonJack #livres #bookshops #librairie #New Books #MusicBiography
#whatdougsreading #music #books #biography #bookstodon #nickcave #nickdrake #seanohagan #richardmortonjack #livres #bookshops #librairie #new #musicbiography
Was für ein Abend! Gestern haben uns Nick Cave und Seán O'Hagan besucht, und stundenlang Bücher signiert, es war uns ein Fest!
Natürlich haben wir FAITH, HOPE AND CARNAGE - GLAUBE, LIEBE UND GEMETZEL noch am Lager, und eine handvoll davon ist ... signiert!
Da wir wirklich nur sehr wenige signierte Exemplare haben, bitten wir um Verständnis, dass ihr sie ausschließlich hier bei uns im Laden abholen könnt (1 Ex. p. Person).
Auf bald in unserer Buchhandlung!
Kennen wir uns schon?
Nick Cave und Seán O'Hagan
(Übers. Christian Lux)
Wie wir es von Nick Cave kennen, gibt's auch in punkto Autobiografie keine halben Sachen!
Hier geht's zur Perle: https://codobuch.buchkatalog.de/content/PerlendesMonats
#perlendesmonats #codobuch #cohenunddobernigg #nickcave #seanohagan #kiwiverlag #interviewbuch #künstlerbuch #lesetipp #buchtipp #buchempfehlung #indiebuchhandel #hamburg #karoviertel #sternschanze #stpauli #dasliterarischeherz
#perlendesmonats #codobuch #cohenunddobernigg #NickCave #seanohagan #kiwiverlag #interviewbuch #kunstlerbuch #lesetipp #buchtipp #buchempfehlung #indiebuchhandel #hamburg #Karoviertel #sternschanze #stpauli #dasliterarischeherz
#2023books #books #bookstodon #interviews #faith #grief #nickcave #seanohagan #faithhopeandcarnage
#2023books #books #bookstodon #interviews #faith #grief #nickcave #seanohagan #faithhopeandcarnage
Book six.
#2023books #books #paperback #conversations #faithhopeandcarnage #nickcave #seanohagan #bookstodon
#2023books #books #paperback #conversations #faithhopeandcarnage #nickcave #seanohagan #bookstodon
Eventually the fog thickened & flattened all the light up & down the valley, but, until then it was a calm & quiet time watching shapes & colours shifting.
Read more about Priest’s Leap legend here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priest%27s_Leap
#PriestsLeap #Knockboy #Fog #FencePosts #FaithHopeAndCarnage #WestCork #Ireland #Silhouettes #NickCave #SeánOHagan
#priestsleap #knockboy #fog #fenceposts #faithhopeandcarnage #westcork #ireland #silhouettes #nickcave #seanohagan
If I could have read and taken this in in my 20s (or 30s, let’s face it) I wonder how different things would have been. #books #bookstagram #nickcave #seanohagan #noxp
#books #bookstagram #nickcave #seanohagan #noxp
I began reading ‘Faith, Hope And Carnage’ by Nick Cave & Seán O’Hagan while running a time lapse watching fog roll in through the valley below Priest’s Leap, County Cork, Ireland.
As I held the book in my hand this quiet moment felt appropriate to note.
#FaithHopeAndCarnage #PriestsLeap #Cork #Ireland #NickCave #SeánOHagan #FirstBookOfTheYear
#faithhopeandcarnage #priestsleap #cork #ireland #nickcave #seanohagan #firstbookoftheyear
#EdithFrost is not only a fantastic tapdancer :-) but #CallingOverTime is a record to keep close at heart. Released by #DragCity in 1997. A timeless piece of art including these wonderful musicians #DavidGrubbs #RianMurphy #SeanOHagan #JimORourke & #RickRizzo.
#rickrizzo #JimORourke #seanohagan #rianmurphy #davidgrubbs #dragcity #callingovertime #edithfrost
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #StuartMaconiesFreakZone
Sean O’Hagan & Stereolab:
🎵 International Colouring Contest
#nowplaying #bbc6music #StuartMaconiesFreakZone #seanohagan #stereolab
Unexpected few days in hospital - at least I get to immerse myself in this incredible conversational book - it's putting me in awe of the spirituality of the creative process.
#NickCave #SeanOHagan #FaithHopeAndCarnage
#nickcave #seanohagan #faithhopeandcarnage
Unexpected few days in hospital - at least I get to immerse myself in this incredible conversational book - it's putting me in awe of the spirituality of the creative process.
#NickCave #SeanOHagan #FaithHopeAndCarnage
#nickcave #seanohagan #faithhopeandcarnage