Broncos missed out on 2 undrafted free agents
Broncos Wire
#UndraftedFreeAgent #KeatonMitchell #JackColletto #BroncosBuzz #DavidDurden #SeanTucker #Video #UDFA
#undraftedfreeagent #keatonmitchell #jackcolletto #broncosbuzz #daviddurden #seantucker #video #udfa
Broncos expected to host RB Sean Tucker on top-30 visit
Broncos Wire
#Pre-DraftVisit #BroncosBuzz #Runningback #SeanTucker #NFLDraft
#pre #broncosbuzz #runningback #seantucker #nfldraft
Bei der Erstellung unserer kleinen Seite für die kommende Ausstellung unseres #StreetcollectiveHamburg hatte ich erst, ganz Gewohnheitstier, die Bücher des Gastredners #SeanTucker auf #Amazon verlinkt. Nach etwas Nachdenken habe ich mich nun nach Alternativen umgeschaut und gefunden. Habt ihr schon Erfahrungen mit der “sozialen Buchhandlung” sammeln können, oder nutzt ihr andere Alternativen?
#streetcollectivehamburg #seantucker #amazon
Slowly but steady the plot thickens, the fundamentals are in place, the details are getting finer. The #StreetcollectiveHamburg is looking forward to an exciting exhibition #BetweenWorlds together with Bastian Hertel and Siegfried Hansen as well as panel discussions and lectures by and with #SeanTucker and Maik Kroner.
Feel free to check our website every now and then if you want to stay up to date:
#streetcollectivehamburg #betweenworlds #seantucker #streetphotography #exhibition #hamburg
Langsam aber sicher verdichtet sich die Planung, das grobe Gerüst steht, die Details werden feiner. Das #StreetcollectiveHamburg freut sich auf eine spannende Ausstellung zusammen mit Bastian Hertel und Siegfried Hansen sowie Podiumsdiskussionen und Vorträge von und mit #SeanTucker und Maik Kroner.
Schaut gerne immer mal wieder auf unserer Website vorbei, wenn ihr auf dem Laufenden bleiben wollt:
#streetcollectivehamburg #seantucker #streetphotography #exhibition #betweenworlds #hamburg
Are you ready for this?
#StreetcollectiveHamburg #BetweenWorlds #StreetPhotography #SeanTucker #SiegfriedHansen
#streetcollectivehamburg #betweenworlds #streetphotography #seantucker #siegfriedhansen
Are you ready for this?
#StreetcollectiveHamburg #BetweenWorlds #StreetPhotography #SeanTucker #SiegfriedHansen
#streetcollectivehamburg #betweenworlds #streetphotography #seantucker #siegfriedhansen
Liebe Leute, endlich können wir damit raus, die Vorbereitungen laufen, und was gestern noch eine verrückte Idee war, wird heute schon ein bisschen Wirklichkeit. Das #StreetcollectiveHamburg lädt zur Ausstellung #BetweenWorlds, und neben Bastian Hertel, Siegfried Hansen und Maik Kroner freue ich mich besonders auf #SeanTucker, dessen Gedanken zur Fotografie vielen Menschen innerhalb unserer Community Bereicherung und Inspiration sind.
Stay tuned.
#streetcollectivehamburg #betweenworlds #seantucker #streetphotography #exhibition #hamburg
Für den Montag Morgen vielleicht genau das Richtige. Sean Tucker hat eigenes Magazin veröffentlicht. Digital oder Print. Wer noch nix zum lesen hat 😄 #seantucker
@nerwin If I may, I‘d like to pitch „The Meaning in the Making“ from #SeanTucker to you. Somehow I have the feeling this little gem could be great food for your thoughts.
The postman just delivered "Collection V" by #SeanTucker. I'm not really a collector and missing the first three issues, but I always enjoy Sean's humble and authentic approach to #photography.
Earlier this year, Sean Tucker made a short film about the project.
At 21 minutes long, it's a great #introduction to the unusual journey I've been on for the last few years and perhaps some welcome coastal escapism for you:
#LifeboatStationProject #RNLI #SeanTucker #WetPlate #WetCollodion #lifeboat #documentary #project #photography
#introduction #LifeboatStationProject #RNLI #seantucker #wetplate #wetcollodion #lifeboat #documentary #project #photography
5/5 stars to "The Meaning in the Making" by #SeanTucker.
#GoodReads #BookReview
#seantucker #goodreads #bookreview
»The truth I learned is this: We are not always the best judge of our own work and its potential to communicate to others. With our own baggage, we can easily get too close to it. But if we open ourselves up to hearing what others are saying, we might find new richness and depth to our images or music or paintings that we hadn’t even intended in the first place.«
»Language is a virus from outer space.« ~ William S. #Borroughs
»Inspiration is infectious.« ~ #SeanTucker
»Another essential way to keep your ideas flowing is to consume the works of others like fuel. I'm a big believer that what you put in is what you get out. It will turn you into someone, will open your mind in particular ways, will give you things to say, and will shape how you see the world.« ~ #TheMeaningInTheMaking
#Borroughs #seantucker #themeaninginthemaking #foodforthought
@fotomenschen @pavido @nilspooker @Moorknipser Alle Zweifel beseitigt. ;-) #seantucker #themeaninginthemaking
#seantucker #themeaninginthemaking