Road Not Taken · @yoohooair
135 followers · 1083 posts · Server

- not that , , helped to . That's not really a surprise. But that they were down there for many years - and then , not and as they deserved - when their use was deemed over 😡.

Yes, cute profiles. Hope the cards all get digitized if they haven't been yet. These dogs deserve a . And were samples taken from any of them for later when it was available? Would be fun to see where, if anywhere, their ended up. via @atlas

They at least deserve a feature-length / other . The only one I've found so far was a fictionalized one about a group of abandoned sled dogs there ,


#whoknew #Dogs #sleddogs #explore #antarctica #bred #culled #killed #retired #caredfor #searchabledatabase #dnatesting #descendants #dogdna #doggenealogy #documentary #movie #Japanese #eightbelow #dogsofmastodon #doggo #doggos #dogsofantarctica #workingdogs #hardworkers #hardwork #toughjob #toughjobs

Last updated 2 years ago