I've been playing #Elderand the last few days and I've put way more time into it than expected, but I'm slow and like to explore and I'm bad at methodical combat. But I'm glad I stuck with it.
It's pretty fun. It isn't very optimized though. It stutters on my Steam Deck when dashing after just entering a room.
I also was making things harder for myself by not understanding that I had to talk to blacksmith three times to get into the upgrade menu.
#SteamDeck #searchaction #metroidvania #elderand
I also scooped up some Search Action (#metroidvania) games that I'd never heard of from the #PSX era. Does anyone have any recommendations from the #Sega systems for me to check out?
#searchaction #sega #psx #metroidvania
Started playing Shinsekai Into the Depths. Very cool game! Movement and health being tied to the same resource is a very interesting decision that encourages you to take calculated risks while also trying not to overextend.
#shinsekaiintothedepths #searchaction #metroidvania #videogames #ShareYourGames #探索アクション #capcom
#shinsekaiintothedepths #searchaction #metroidvania #videogames #shareyourgames #探索アクション #capcom