Authorities to Return Items Seized in Kansas Newspaper Raid - The raid of the newspaper, The Marion County Record, has drawn condemnation from First Am... - #firstamendment(usconstitution) #marioncountyrecord(newspaper) #freedomofthepress #searchandseizure #newspapers
#newspapers #searchandseizure #freedomofthepress #marioncountyrecord #firstamendment
Mountain of FTX Evidence: Emails, Chat Logs, Code and a Notebook - Prosecutors investigating Sam Bankman-Fried, the cryptocurrency exchange’s founder, have ... - #hkftxtradingltd(futuresexchange) #computersandtheinternet #ellisoncaroline(1994-) #alamedaresearchllc #searchandseizure #bankman-friedsam #laptopcomputers #virtualcurrency #bankruptcies #kaplanlewisa #salameryan #e-mail
#e #salameryan #kaplanlewisa #bankruptcies #virtualcurrency #laptopcomputers #bankman #searchandseizure #alamedaresearchllc #ellisoncaroline #computersandtheinternet #hkftxtradingltd
The Washington post article was too late already, the government is buying data to track locations of individual private citizens, making a mockery of the 4th amendment.
This flat out needs to be stopped, and it goes beyond the government, we need a deep study as to what companies are selling data that can inevitably expose a private individuals without anonymizing the data.
#Privacy #InfoSec #OpSec #4A #FBI #SearchAndSeizure #Fediverse #Mastodon
#Mastodon #Fediverse #searchandseizure #FBI #4a #opsec #InfoSec #Privacy
Interesting incident in Wilmington NC, where police tell an Uber driver he has to turn off his dash cam, except he happens to be an attorney, and knows the cop is lying. #PoliceViolence #SearchAndSeizure #PpoliceState
(Edit: note this is not a recent incident—nearly 6 years ago. Still, it's interesting.)
#ppolicestate #searchandseizure #policeviolence
Detective Sued Over SWAT Raid Based on Wrong Location on the Find My App - A detective relied on flawed information provided by the Find My app for a warrant that l... - #suitsandlitigation(civil) #mobileapplications #findmy(mobileapp) #searchandseizure #denver(colo) #rubyjohnson #appleinc #privacy #police
#police #privacy #appleinc #rubyjohnson #denver #searchandseizure #findmy #mobileapplications #suitsandlitigation
Where Online Hate Speech Can Bring the Police to Your Door - Battling far-right extremism, Germany has gone further than any other Western democracy t... - #freedomofspeechandexpression #computersandtheinternet #rumorsandmisinformation #politicsandgovernment #searchandseizure #socialmedia #hatespeech #censorship #privacy #germany
#germany #privacy #censorship #hatespeech #socialmedia #searchandseizure #politicsandgovernment #rumorsandmisinformation #computersandtheinternet #freedomofspeechandexpression
A Dad Took Photos of His Naked Toddler for the Doctor. Google Flagged Him as a Criminal. - Google has an automated tool to detect abusive images of children. But the system can get... - #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming #computersandtheinternet #childrenandchildhood #childabuseandneglect #childpornography #searchandseizure #computersecurity #photography #googleinc #privacy
#privacy #googleinc #photography #computersecurity #searchandseizure #childpornography #childabuseandneglect #childrenandchildhood #computersandtheinternet #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming