Dr. Nelms was really nice! We had a great experience. Turns out both my partner & I were correct in the (different) things we noticed. Edraith does have some age-related changes to her eyes and Dr. Nelms recommended we take advantage of the free exam for working dogs next year as well, to monitor the progress, ensuring it is normal age progression. She still has fine vision though and there is nothing to worry about. I was happy to have Rex Specs though after, her eyes were sooooo dialated. Thanks for supporting our working dogs who help keep you safe in the wilderness! :D
#aussie #dogs #dogsofmastodon #australianshepherd #workingdogs #SAR #Search #searchdog #searchandrescue #acvo
#aussie #dogs #dogsofmastodon #australianshepherd #WorkingDogs #sar #search #searchdog #searchandrescue #acvo
Come find me, puppies!!
While I was hiding today i tried to find as many fungi lichen and such within my reach while sitting as I had already hiked 5 miles of rough terrain.
#SAR #SearchandRescue #Search&Rescue #searchdog #k9SAR #Rescue #wilderness #mountain
#sar #searchandrescue #search #searchdog #k9sar #rescue #wilderness #mountain
Just a SAR pup in a field full of lyreleaf sage :)
#flower #spring #sar #searchandrescue #searchdog #rescue #dogsofmastodon
#flower #spring #sar #searchandrescue #searchdog #rescue #dogsofmastodon
Huge mock K9 SAR training today, everything double blind but someone was in my area! (2 hiders, 11 areas!) It was a bit chilly and rained alllll day long. Much mud. Edraith ran over 5 miles as we cleared our area - and found right in the very last bit. Photos tell the story - and read captions.
#search #searchdog #SAR #searchandrescue #training #runfast #workingdogs #workingk9 #australianshepherd #dogs
#search #searchdog #sar #searchandrescue #training #runfast #WorkingDogs #workingk9 #australianshepherd #dogs
Found! One volunteer hider on a frozen morning.
#searchdog #dogtraining #workingdog #k9sar #australianshepherd
#searchdog #DogTraining #workingdog #k9sar #australianshepherd
Happy Birthday to my gorgeous girl, Edraith. Still loving the game of “go find!” rescuing lost people in the wilderness,.
#aussie #searchdog #sar #sark9 #australianshepherd #workingdogs
#aussie #searchdog #sar #sark9 #australianshepherd #WorkingDogs
Trainingswoche der Profiklasse für Konditionierer und Differenzierer in den Allgäuer Alpen
Spühundearbeit für Rettungs- und Diensthundeführer mit den Ausbildern André Schoch, SOF K9 Führer a. D. und Birgit H. Hilsbos, Rettungshundeführerin a. D.
Erlernen Sie Techniken der “Scent Detection” und der “Zielgeruchsuche”. Dieser 5-tägige Kurs steht K9-Einsatzkräften und SAR-Teams offen.
#airscent #conditioning #detection #fährtenarbeit #flächensuche #geruchsdifferenzierung #geruchsgipfel #hund #hundetraining #indication #k9 #konditionierung #mantrailing #nasenarbeit #personensuche #policedog #policek9 #sardog #scent #scentdetection #scentdiscrimination #search #searchandrescue #searchdog #suchhund #tracking #workingdog #vermisst #zigs #zielgeruchsuche
#airscent #conditioning #detection #fahrtenarbeit #flachensuche #geruchsdifferenzierung #geruchsgipfel #Hund #hundetraining #indication #k9 #Konditionierung #mantrailing #nasenarbeit #personensuche #policedog #policek9 #sardog #scent #scentdetection #scentdiscrimination #search #SearchAndRescue #searchdog #suchhund #tracking #workingdog #vermisst #zigs #zielgeruchsuche