Just watched the #SearchingMovie with #JohnCho and it was amazing. Really original use of alternative media and thoroughly engaging. Surprised it didn't get more buzz.
Saw #MissingMovie last night, and I really enjoyed it. I had also liked #SearchingMovie (which I recommend) so I was looking forward to this. It's not a sequel per se but is more a second film in an anthology.
I love the major use of technology as a plot point in the films given how prevalent social media is in today's world.
Great job all around.
Saw #SearchingMovie last night knowing literally nothing but the title. No plot / actors / poster / anything
Highly highly recommend this one. Had me hooked from beginning to end
'Searching' (2018) Review: Gone Catfishin' http://hub.me/amfdD Starring John Cho, Michelle La, Debra Messing, and Sara Sohn, Searching is a mysterious thriller that keeps you guessing with its unusual format adding to its unique and exhilarating experience. Now playing in theaters. #Searching #SearchingMovie #moviereview #JohnCho #MichelleLa #DebraMessing #SaraSohn #AneeshChaganty #SevOhanian #mystery #thriller #movies #ScreenGems
#moviereview #johncho #michellela #debramessing #sarasohn #aneeshchaganty #searching #searchingmovie #sevohanian #mystery #thriller #movies #screengems