Due to worsening weather in the central Mediterranean, the Louise Michel had to seek shelter close to Lampedusa over the night. Our crew and guests are under way again now to finish their journey towards the assigned port of Trapani, where they will arrive tomorrow morning.
#LouiseMichel #SeaRescue #Europe #EU #Italy #NoBorders #FreedomOfMovement #HumanRightsForAll
#louisemichel #searescue #europe #eu #italy #noborders #freedomofmovement #HumanRightsForAll
#SeaRescue at its limits:
#Italy is blocking 4 ships now and wants rescued people to be disembarked in #Tunisia. Dozens of organizations have therefore issued an "urgent warning":
Esta es la Europa que hemos creado. Humanidad ahogada junto con los migrantes
On the coast of Melilla, Spain, a group of bathers rescue migrants from the water, shouting against the police, after the Guardia Civil made them capsize and sink. In the video we see how one person pulls a baby out of the water. The Guardia Civil self-attributed responsibility for the rescue...the video shows that they did not rescue him. It is more. Then it is shown that they actually sank the boat by ramming it.
Eternal hate. Murderers.
This is the #BibbyStockholm. The vessel that UK is going to use to "retain" migrants and "evaluate" them and waiting for assylum.
A floating detention center.
Are we living a fucking distopy?
From what fucking movie they took this?
Info about the mafia behind
#bibbystockholm #capitalism #searescue
Dear Europe,
This is how #rescue at sea looks like:
Best regards,
Thousands of people drowned in the Mediterranean
"Authorities established radio and visual contact with Doerr by air after picking up the distress call, (...). Two merchant vessels were diverted to the 6.5-metre sailing yacht’s location (...)."
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/07/solo-sailor-caught-in-huge-swells-in-great-australian-bight-issues-emergency-signal
#Refugees #asylum #righttoasylum #searescue #ruleoflaw #humanrights
#rescue #refugees #asylum #righttoasylum #searescue #RuleofLaw #HumanRights
The #Greek #coastguard rammed and punctured an inflatable #boat in an attempt to sink it. Contrary to their duty and contrary to #human rights #law, they not only fail to help a drifting boat, but sink it with the #people on board.
#greek #CoastGuard #boat #human #law #people #searescue
Die #SeaPunkOne ist endlich soweit und steht kurz vor der ersten Mission #MED 🥳
Dafür wird aktuell noch nach ein paar Positionen gesucht:
- Head of Operation
- Navigator/ Officer
- Cult. Mediator or Guest Care
Bei Interesse kann sich bei crewing@seapunks.de gemeldet werden. :boost_ok:
#SeaPunk #SeaPunk1 #SeaRescue #LeaveNoOneToDie #FreedomOfMovement #Mediterranean #CentralMed #Seebrücke #SeenotRettung #LeaveNoOneBehind #SAR #Schiff #Ship #NikonD80 #RescueShips
#SeaPunkOne #med #SeaPunk #SeaPunk1 #searescue #LeaveNoOneToDie #freedomofmovement #mediterranean #CentralMed #seebrucke #seenotrettung #LeaveNoOneBehind #sar #schiff #ship #nikond80 #rescueships
Re 3/3 We need a political solution now. We need legal and safe migration routes now. Europe must enforce basic human rights for all. Immediately.Foto: Rebecca Giarola#freedomofmovement #restinpower #searescue #sar #solidarityandresistance #leavenoonetodie #EU #fortresseurope
#restinpower #searescue #sar #solidarityandresistance #LeaveNoOneToDie #eu #fortresseurope
Die #SeaEye4 ist gerade in der Werft im spanischen #Burriana und wird auf den nächsten Einsatz vorbereitet. Die Werftcrew sucht dringend qualifizierte Elektrodenschweißer*innen mit Erfahrung, die selbständig Baustellen abschließen können. Wenn wer kurzfristig Zeit hat darf sich gerne bei shipyardcrewing@sea-eye.de melden.
Gemeinsam besprecht ihr alles zur Anreise, Aufenthalt und Arbeit. Im besten falle ab sofort.
:boost_ok: #Shipyard #SeaRescue
#SEAEYE4 #Burriana #shipyard #searescue
RT @seawatch_intl
At least 331 people drowned in the first 76 days of 2023 according to @UNmigration. The European policy of sealing off and blocking civilian #SeaRescue will not lead to fewer people fleeing but to more deaths at Europe's borders. We demand safe and legal routes to Europe now!
Re 2/2 European states work harder to build physical and non physical walls around Europe. Our slogan holds true: SAR - Solidarity with all people on the move and Resistance against Fortress Europe. Border skill. #SolidarityAndResistance #BordersKill #SAR #SeaRescue #NoBorders
#solidarityandresistance #borderskill #sar #searescue #noborders
Re 3/3 #LouiseMichel and all her crew stand in solidarity, and fight alongside all those who are threatened, oppressed and murdered by the patriarchy.Jin, Jiyan, Azadì!#feministfightday #8thmarch #jinjiyanazadi #searescue #sar #solidarityandresistance #smashpatriarchy
#louisemichel #feministfightday #8thmarch #jinjiyanazadi #searescue #sar #solidarityandresistance #smashpatriarchy
The Minister of Transport in #Germany wants to tighten the Ship Safety Ordinance and thus blockade civil #SeaRescue.
Behind this is a master plan by an EU group in which three German ministries participate:
#germany #searescue #fortresseurope #crotone #rescueships
The Minister of Transport in #Germany wants to tighten the Ship Safety Ordinance and thus blockade civil #SeaRescue.
Behind this is a master plan by an EU group in which three German ministries participate:
#germany #searescue #fortresseurope #crotone #rescueships
Immer wieder geraten auf dem Mittelmeer Boote mit Migranten in Seenot. Kürzlich kamen bei einem solchen Unglück mehr als 60 Menschen ums Leben. Dennoch plant das Verkehrsministerium offenbar, die Seenotrettung weiter einzuschränken. Von #LaraStraatmann, #WDR 63 Menschen haben italienische Behörden bislang geborgen, darunter 13 Kinder. Die Geflüchteten ertranken auf ihrer Flucht von der Türkei in die Europäische Union. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPRrLwsEGY/ #FightforSolidarity! #Seenotrettungjetzt #searescue
#larastraatmann #wdr #FightForSolidarity #SeenotrettungJetzt #searescue
Das Sterben im Mittelmeer geht weiter. Das neue menschenfeindliche italienische Gesetz zur weiteren Verhinderung von Seenotrettung wird zwangsläufig zu nur noch mehr Toten führen. #seenotrettung #searescue https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/migranten-bootsunglueck-mittelmeer-101.html
⛔️ Das Dekret ist Gesetz geworden...
Ital. Behörden haben #MSF mitgeteilt, dass die #GeoBarents für 20 Tage in Verwaltungshaft genommen wird und mit einer Geldstrafe von € 10.000 belegt wurde.
Dieses Gesetz steht im Widerspruch zu Menschenrechten und Seerecht!
#Solidarität mit allen Seenotretter*innen und People on the Move!
#SeaRescue #Refugees #Piantedosi #FortressEurope #BordersKill
#msf #GeoBarents #searescueisnotacrime #solidaritat #FightForSolidarity #searescue #refugees #piantedosi #fortresseurope #borderskill #dontforgetthematsea
Und auch während dieser Text entsteht, wächst die Zahl der im Mittelmeer Sterbenden...
Selmar Schülein sprach mit Dariush von @IuventaCrew über das Sterben im #Med, die #CivilFleet, Kriminalisierung von #Flucht & #Seenotrettung, den Prozess in #Trapani.
„Wenn sie auf uns einen Scheinwerfer richten, dann fangen wir an zu singen. Für all die Menschen, die dieses Scheinwerferlicht nicht bekommen.“
📰 ⤵️
#Iuventa #SeenotrettungIstPflicht
#SeaRescue #FightForSolidarity
#med #civilfleet #flucht #seenotrettung #trapani #iuventa #SeenotrettungIstPflicht #searescue #FightForSolidarity