Kotaku: Studio Behind One Of 2023’s Best Games Just Laid Off A Ton Of Devs https://kotaku.com/ps5-indie-season-darwin-project-layoffs-game-pass-1850577077 #gaming #tech #kotaku #seasonalettertothefuture #singleplayervideogames #scavengersstudio #playstationplus #amelielamarche #darwinproject #windowsgames #simondarveau #indiegames #xboxone
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #seasonalettertothefuture #singleplayervideogames #scavengersstudio #playstationplus #amelielamarche #darwinproject #windowsgames #simondarveau #indiegames #xboxone
What a curious little game #SeasonALetterToTheFuture is. We talk about it in our #podcast [German]
#podcast #seasonalettertothefuture
Started #SeasonALetterToTheFuture tonight and man I can already tell this is going to be emotional. Really diggin' it so far and the art style is amazing.
Season: A Letter to the Future – Un voyage apaisant ?
#jeuxvideo #season #seasonalettertothefuture #gaming #playstation #pc
#jeuxvideo #season #seasonalettertothefuture #gaming #playstation #pc
Happy Birthday #GeforceNow! 3
Jahre jetzt. Wow.
Ich hoffe da folgen noch viele Jahre und viele Spiele.
Was kommt diese Woche?
#RaidenIVMIKADOremix (Steam)
#SEASONAlettertothefuture (S und Epic)
#SpongebobSquarePantsTheCosmicShake (S/E)
#Superfuse (S)
#DeliverUsMars (S/E)
#CityofGangsters (Kostenlos bei Epic, 2-9 Februar)
#SpellForceConquestofEo (S/E Feb. 3)
#ImmortalsFenyxRising (S)
#geforcenow #raidenivmikadoremix #seasonalettertothefuture #SpongeBobSquarePantsTheCosmicShake #superfuse #deliverusmars #perish #CityOfGangsters #spellforceconquestofeo #ImmortalsFenyxRising
Let's Play - SEASON: A letter to the future - Part 1 "Emotional Impacts" - #SeasonALetterToTheFuture #YouTube #LetsPlay -
#seasonalettertothefuture #youtube #letsplay
I Can't Do This! SEASON: A letter to the future #shorts #Youtube #SeasonALetterToTheFuture -
#shorts #youtube #seasonalettertothefuture
Stream tonight, something completely different. Let's go on a bike ride in SEASON: A letter to the future #SeasonALetterToTheFuture - https://store.steampowered.com/app/695330/SEASON_A_letter_to_the_future/
Aiming for around 6pm EST, will update if something changes.
#SeasonALetterToTheFuture - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2023/02/01/season-a-letter-to-the-future/
Durch die Welt reisen, Fotos und Tonaufnahmen machen und auf das Ende der Welt hoffen, klingt für euch nach Spaß? Dann ist Season genau euer Spiel, mehr erfahrt ihr im Test.
#Abenteuer #WalkingSimulator #Fahrrad #Reise #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie
#seasonalettertothefuture #pc #review #Abenteuer #walkingsimulator #fahrrad #reise #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie #scavengersstudio
#GLG #gamenews #seasonalettertothefuture
Season: A Letter to the Future launches today on #PS5, #PS4, and #PC
Step into the shoes of a young woman exploring life beyond her village by bike, in an effort to document, photograph, and record a snapshot of the world for future generations before it is swept away by a cataclysmic event.
#GLG #gamenews #seasonalettertothefuture #ps5 #ps4 #pc #gaming
Dear John #SEASONALetterToTheFuture https://gamesense.co/game/season-a-letter-to-the-future/news/discuss/season-review-ps/
Sice menší, za to opravdu zajímavá a pěkně stylizovaná hra, která nabídne nezvyklý zážitek. Světu hrozí katastrofa, a tak mladá žena cestuje na kole, potkává zajímavé lidi a fotí. Moc pěkný trailer.
#SeasonALetterToTheFuture #ScavengersStudio #Hry #Games
#seasonalettertothefuture #scavengersstudio #hry #games
This game looks beautiful. Looking forward to it's release. I hope it will be compatible with the #SteamDeck.
#SteamDeck #seasonalettertothefuture
Season: A Letter to the Future is an upcoming PlayStation exclusive that looks to capture the perfect balance between western storytelling and #SEASONALetterToTheFuture https://gamesense.co/game/season-a-letter-to-the-future/news/discuss/season-a-letter-to-the-future-release-date-trailers-everything-we-know/