Spring is coming !
This is the Glory of the Age of Aquarius...
Happy New Year everybody ✌️ 😁 👍
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #TheGrandFinale #BestWishes
#bestwishes #thegrandfinale #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
There's simply no better moment than eve's eve to get, all at once, a trick and a treat...
#missiletoad #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Sooo... 2022 is finally coming to a close, and it certainly feels like now's a good time to say : All Hail the True King of England ! 💩
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #JustMy20pToPee #Brexit #MerryTurdmas
#merryturdmas #brexit #justmy20ptopee #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Is it an Elf ?
Is it a Frog ??
Is it a Reindeer ???
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #CrossBreeding #EndangeredSpecies
#endangeredspecies #crossbreeding #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Divagation on the deeds and woes of being an angel almighty, yet allergic...
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #BirdsOfAFeatherSneezeTogether
#birdsofafeathersneezetogether #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
The Day After...
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #HotChocolate #TheHeatIsOn
#theheatison #hotchocolate #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
And so this is Christmas,
I hope you have fun...
#TodayIsTheDay #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Dear valued customer,
Someone signed-in to your account and placed a couple of orders... If this was you, you can gracefully disregard this message, otherwise rest assured that you're money is in safe hands and please let us know how still happy you are with this situation anyway.
#grpd #euphemism #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Looks like we're all set and ready for prime time...
#christmastree #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Rest assured noone will be left out !!
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #DeliveringTheJoy #RightOnTime
#rightontime #deliveringthejoy #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
In honour of the winter solstice, here's some shedding a little light on a (not so) long lost memory from the land of the eternal night...
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #JustMyImagination
#justmyimagination #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Getting ready for the joy ride !
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #JukeboxIsPlayingMyTune
#jukeboxisplayingmytune #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
There's simply no better log than Yul's log !
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #GodJul #UndeniablySo
#undeniablyso #godjul #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Oh the weather outside is frightful...
#seasonals #winter #TheAdventurousCalendar #MrSnowman #BringMeADream
#bringmeadream #mrsnowman #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Hear the story of a fairy named Snowflake...
#liesandalibis #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
Always a good time for a (long) bit(e) of sweetness...
#yeswecandycane #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals
On being confined...
#spiritedwithin #theadventurouscalendar #winter #seasonals