Já está no ar o último episódio da segunda temporada das #engineeringsessions.
Dessa vez as "vítimas" são @gomex @sebawebber e o Sérgio Soares. E o assunto abordado e literalmente "a dor de cabeça" que agt pode enfrentar no DevOps!
Confere aí!
[PT-BR] Cognitive Load #engineeringsessions #seasonfinale #s02e16
#engineeringsessions #seasonfinale #s02e16
Two-Part #SeasonFinale tonight!
What We Do In The Shadows
#ShadowsFX #FXNetwork
#fxnetwork #shadowsfx #seasonfinale
#BeforeTheImpact on #ImpactWrestling's #YouTube 45 minutes before the main show
#ImpactWrestling on #AXSTV #IMPACTonAXS
#HelpMyHouseIsHaunted - "The Chapel of Unrest" on #TravelChannel and on demand on #DiscoveryPlus
What We Do In The Shadows? (Two-Part #SeasonFinale) on #FXNetwork #ShadowsFX
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#shadowsfx #fxnetwork #seasonfinale #DiscoveryPlus #travelchannel #helpmyhouseishaunted #impactonaxs #axstv #YouTube #IMPACTWRESTLING #beforetheimpact
🎥 Retro TV Episode Alert! 🎥 The Witcher (2019) s01e08 - Much More is an epic season finale with battles that put Game of Thrones to shame. Get ready for mage wars, terrifying zombies, and a cliffhanger that'll leave you craving more. Glowing Tubes, Groovy Moods! Check it out! (https://thestopbutton.com/2019/12/24/the-witcher-2019-s01e08-much-more/ #TheWitcher #TV #SeasonFinale
Something to share for #AudioDramaSunday.
I’m incredibly proud of ALL my work for NoSleep, but sometimes a story comes along that’s a little bit extra special.
It’s always an honour to be invited to be in a Season Finale. This one was recorded mostly in studio in LA, but I did my lines remotely.
If you know the Haunting Of… series, you’ll recognise a few of the names. I’m a little stunned to see my own on this gorgeous artwork joining them and so many talented actors.
#audiodramasunday #nosleeppodcast #seasonfinale #horror #VoiceActing
I'll miss you, #TedLasso. Thanks for the fun over the last 3 years. #AFCRichmond #seasonfinale
#tedlasso #afcrichmond #seasonfinale
#thinking23 #Succession #Season4 #SeasonFinale #review
Kendall.. por qué te pavoneaste?
A duras penas tus hermanos te dieron el visto bueno solamente por que un desconocido, un foráneo, se iba a hacer con el mando de la compañía
Mal jugado, a la cucha
Negar la realidad..
no my friend
Y una Shib que pensó..
"estoy casada con el CEO..
que te den Kendall"
Este Tom no es el del "beso blanco"
Este Tom conminara por los "besos negros"
"El Logan 2.0"
Suerte Shib!
#review #seasonfinale #Season4 #succession #thinking23
#thinking23 #Succession #Season4 #SeasonFinale
"Los hermanos sean unidos,
esa es la ley primera"
Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 7.5
#seasonfinale #Season4 #succession #thinking23
"Survivor" Season Finale Recap: 'Absolute Banger Season' S44E13
#HOTCHKA's Jeremy Fogelman wraps up Season 44, plus check out the exit interviews with the Final Five.
#Survivor #Survivor44 #SurvivorCBS #CBSTV #ParamountPlus #television #streaming #SeasonFinale
#hotchka #survivor #survivor44 #survivorcbs #cbstv #paramountplus #television #streaming #seasonfinale
#thinking23 #Succession #Season4 #SeasonFinale
La serie esta bien, pero leer que es lo mejor del año..? No sé.
Esta serie se torna enrevesada de entender cuando se ponen con esos aspectos pesudo-científicos camuflados del buen manejo de las finanzas corporativas hasta esos momentos de claridad mental.. que son..
estos individuos no se juegan nada. Viven en un invento y se llevan puesto todo lo demás.
Fiel representación de lo que vivimos en la actualidad.
Pronostico Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 7.0
#seasonfinale #Season4 #succession #thinking23
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#JeopardyMasters Series continues on #ABC
#TheMaskedSinger (#SeasonFinale) on #FOX
#AEWDynamite on #TBS
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#tbs #aewdynamite #fox #seasonfinale #themaskedsinger #abc #jeopardymasters #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
Ok, who is ready with their #Extrapolations hot-takes this fine #FridayNight? #SeasonFinale tonight!
“It’s like Black Mirror, but for climate change. And not good.”
#extrapolations #fridaynight #seasonfinale
Jinkx Monsoon is present and all kinds of gorgeous at the season finale of RuPaul's Drag Race - Season 15! #RPDR #Season15 #seasonfinale
ABC released Promotional Photos of Alaska Daily episode "Most Reckless Thing I’ve Ever Done" (1.11/S01E11) https://what2vue.com/2023/03/25/abc-released-promotional-photos-of-alaska-daily-episode-most-reckless-thing-ive-ever-done/ #AlaskaDaily #SeasonFinale #ABC
#alaskadaily #seasonfinale #abc
Songs Featured in ‘The Last of Us’ Have Enjoyed a Huge Upswing in Streams
Check it out! 👇
#LastOfUsOfficialPlaylist #LastOfUs #StrangerThings #Soundtrack #SeasonFinale #Season #PearlJam #LotteKestner #LongLongTime #LindaRonstadt #HankWilliams #Finale #Euphoria #EttaJames #DriftingCowboys #DepecheMode #CultureAndTrends
#lastofusofficialplaylist #LastOfUs #strangerthings #soundtrack #seasonfinale #season #PearlJam #lottekestner #longlongtime #LindaRonstadt #hankwilliams #Finale #euphoria #ettajames #driftingcowboys #depechemode #cultureandtrends
Songs Featured in ‘The Last of Us’ Have Enjoyed a Huge Upswing in Streams
Check it out! 👇
#LastOfUsOfficialPlaylist #LastOfUs #StrangerThings #Soundtrack #SeasonFinale #Season #PearlJam #LotteKestner #LongLongTime #LindaRonstadt #HankWilliams #Finale #Euphoria #EttaJames #DriftingCowboys #DepecheMode #CultureAndTrends
#lastofusofficialplaylist #LastOfUs #strangerthings #soundtrack #seasonfinale #season #PearlJam #lottekestner #longlongtime #LindaRonstadt #hankwilliams #Finale #euphoria #ettajames #driftingcowboys #depechemode #cultureandtrends
Praise to The Last of Us,
A season finale that’s not basic,
Where heroes and anti-heroes,
Manifold emotions, and moral quandaries,
All collide in its thrilling space.
#thelastofus #seasonfinale #heroes #antiheroes #ode #poetry
👀👀👇👇 3 episodes left in Season 4😱💜
RT @tfcomarspod@twitter.com
Only 3 Episodes Left of TFCO: Season 4! Listen today!
#transmissionsfromcolonyone #tfco #tfcomarspod #mars #scriptedpodcast #podcast #scifi #space #audiodrama #sciencefiction #teaser #astronomy #astronaut #recap #Trailer #promo #seasonfinale #terraforming #hardscifi
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tfcomarspod/status/1630285080416636928
#transmissionsfromcolonyone #tfco #tfcomarspod #mars #scriptedpodcast #Podcast #scifi #space #audiodrama #sciencefiction #teaser #astronomy #astronaut #recap #trailer #promo #seasonfinale #terraforming #hardscifi