"The emotional arc Lena experiences is moving without being cloying" - we take a look at #Berlinale #film Sea Sparkle https://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/review/sea-sparkle-2023-film-review-by-amber-wilkinson #SeaSparkle
Look at what I found! My first Noctiluca scintillans aka sea sparkle! These are the dinoflagellates that bioluminescence when disturbed. Only really visible is there’s lots of them I would think. But so exciting!
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #phytoplankton #plankton #marinetaxonomy #wildlife #nature #diatom #diatoms #microscopy #microorganism #dinoflagellates #seasparkle
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #phytoplankton #plankton #marinetaxonomy #wildlife #nature #diatom #diatoms #microscopy #microorganism #Dinoflagellates #seasparkle