Here's Node.js running a web server, in an iframe, in a browser tab, in a terminal-based browser, in a terminal tab, on a laptop.
#WebContainers are pretty cool :)
#webcontainers #seattlejs #seattlejsconf
#Deno 2.0 previewed at #SeattleJSConf. See livestream here:
Today Kevin Whinnery of the #Deno team previewed Deno 2.0 at #seattlejsconf that will include a Deno Package Registry!
Josh defines compiler as a transpiler which runs a type checker, which I don't think is what most people would expect, but neatly solves a lot of js diction disagreements.
Eslint is not good for formatting. Don't use eslint to format your code; prettier is better for formatting. It might be nice to add formatting to eslint, but for now use them in conjunction to do separate but complimentary things.
Josh is recommending we run with --allow-warnings and --report-unused-disable-directives to fail when there are unused disable comments and warnings.
"Never block a local dev server or local build on a linting failure."
Up next is Josh Goldberg with static analysis. I've been struggling with @tseslint recently, so this talk feels like this talk is specifically for me.
"It's time to learn typescript my dudes and dudettes"
kinda disappointed typescript is the strongly-typed compile-to-js language that won, but strong types are better than weak types so 🤷♂️
Array methods!
- toSorted
- toReversed
- findLast
- findLastIndex
- toSpliced is now preferred over square brackets for accessing array members.
Top-level await is the first up -- this allows us to avoid the async anonymous main function necessary to await promises that was required previously.
Any history of js that includes neopets is a good history of js
Up next is Christina Zhu talking about ES13
We're learning about who seem to be an organization pushing for better internet security.
Passwords suffer from the lack of security and human forgetfulness. Passkeys allow humans to login using with their device lock screen.
It's time for the CTA!
- Write a design system
- Start with a style guide if a whole design system is too much
- Learn about the design tokens already present in your system
- Look at the consistency of your design system
Design Token naming is so much harder than I expect. AWS Amplify publishes their recommendations here: