"He said each of the targeted residences belong to people of Asian descent and that there’s been a 15-to-20-minute delay in dispatching officers to crime scenes because of a language barrier — providing intruders ample time to get away."
#seattle #seattletimes
#SeattleTimes op-ed: "By failing to honor bus-stop deal, #SeattlePublicSchools risks student safety"
Apparently, the district failed to pay the county and/or the city for ticketing services, to the tune of $10,000 a year. To me this looks like they just pocketed all the money...
#seattlenews #seattle #seattlepublicschools #seattletimes
"It's not immediately clear how many cars were involved." Alright, #SeattleTimes, since you decided it was relevant to the story, why not, I dunno, find out before having your reporter file a report? Obviously there was no followup or the article would have been updated.
Kind of indicative of #journalism in general right now, and while this example is pretty benign, I'm tired of this "story first, facts never" crap.
Op-ed in the #SeattleTimes: "Don’t squash advanced learning in Seattle Public Schools; fix it" #Seattle #Education #SeattlePublicSchools https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/editorials/dont-squash-advanced-learning-in-seattle-public-schools-fix-it/
#seattlepublicschools #education #seattle #seattletimes
Gizmodo: Taylor Swift's Seattle Tour Stop Clocks in on Seismometers https://gizmodo.com/taylor-swifts-seattle-tour-registers-on-seismometers-1850686420 #westhollywoodcalifornia #livenationentertainment #jackiecaplanauerbach #swiftsseattletour #disasteraccident #caplanauerbach #marshawnlynch #joeberchtold #ticketmaster #seattletimes #taylorswift #environment #theerastour #seismometer #livenation #monopolies #lumenfield #caplan
#westhollywoodcalifornia #livenationentertainment #jackiecaplanauerbach #swiftsseattletour #disasteraccident #caplanauerbach #marshawnlynch #joeberchtold #ticketmaster #seattletimes #taylorswift #environment #theerastour #seismometer #livenation #monopolies #lumenfield #caplan
Seattle's #MoPOP just got a big donation of items from the estate of Paul Allen, including a number of neat SF/F artifacts. As part of this #SeattleTimes article, our own chair for #NWC46, SunnyJim Morgan, was quoted! Check it out, and look for the new additions on future visits to MoPOP!
In case anyone from #Seattle sees this, one of their new opinion writers is embarrassing themselves online (over a really unoriginal opinion piece IMO) and saying really eye arching things out loud 🤨
So here is a quick reminder that you can easily use 12ft.io to read the Seattle Times for free and not pay a cent for a subscription.
Because despite some good reporting, the SeaTimes is force for ill in the city of Seattle
#paywall #12ft #seattletimes #seattle
by #AnnaPatrick in The #SeattleTimes:
"Homeless students in Washington face the most severe punishments from school — suspension and expulsion — at almost three times the rate of their housed peers. A child’s housing status is an even greater predictor of discipline than race."
#Washington #WashingtonState #unhoused #homeless #homelessness #school #schools #suspension #expulsion #education #students
#annapatrick #seattletimes #washington #washingtonstate #unhoused #homeless #homelessness #school #schools #suspension #expulsion #education #students
"Special Report: After the landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, #Seattle schools took the initiative to voluntarily integrate through busing and school choice policies. But today, some schools are more segregated than in the 1980s." #waedu #Education #SeattleTimes
#seattletimes #Education #waedu #Seattle
#Seattle #Education
"For more than a year, Dahlia Bazzaz and other #seattletimes colleagues analyzed decades of data to track enrollment demographics from the 1970s onward to look for changes in racial integration"
#seattletimes #Education #Seattle
Recent #SeattleTimes #OpEd: The chatbot era: Better or worse off? https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/the-chatbot-era-better-or-worse-off/
by #JevinWest via #TIPteachers cc #MediaLit #MediaLiteracy #AI #ChatGPT #edtechSR
#seattletimes #oped #jevinwest #TipTeachers #medialit #medialiteracy #ai #chatgpt #edtechsr
@fraying Reading these new items is getting harder.
Most of the people I believe SHOULD be reading these and doing the obvious thing they can and should do - journalists should post somewhere that's not run by tech sociopaths - are mostly still not doing it.
I greatly appreciate you if are one of those who are now posting in the fed.
And if you're at the #SeattleTimes, in particular, be the damned change, already.
My colleague Madeline Jalbert, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Washington's Center for an Informed Public, has a great op/ed in The Seattle Times about long debunked MSG myths and the "continued influence effect," where "outdated or incorrect information can continue to influence our beliefs even after it’s been corrected."
#ContinuedInfluenceEffect #Psychology #MSG #MisinformationResearch #Seattle #SeattleTimes #UniversityOfWashington #UWCIP
#uwcip #universityofwashington #seattletimes #Seattle #misinformationresearch #msg #psychology #continuedinfluenceeffect
Our little island’s broken post office made the Seattle Times.
#Vashon #PostOffice #SeattleTimes
#vashon #postoffice #seattletimes
#SeattleTimes nails it......
These are the people who made fun of or downplayed the horrific attack on 82 year old Paul Pelosi.
Don't let them forget it. May they be perpetually tormented.
#seattletimes #paulPelosi #Pelosi #neverforget
Here’s a list of everyone who mocked Paul Pelosi.
I hope he sues every one of them.
And we should never let them off the hook.
Especially the pale emperor on the bird app.
Via @adamkinzinger and the #SeattleTimes
Supreme Court poised to reconsider key tenets of online speech
On Jan. 20, the Supreme Court is expected to discuss whether to hear two cases that challenge laws in Texas and Florida barring online platforms from taking down certain political content.
#SupremeCourt #law #SeattleTimes #NewYorkTimes #FreeSpeech #SocialMedia #Facebook #Twitter
#Twitter #Facebook #SocialMedia #FreeSpeech #newyorktimes #seattletimes #law #SupremeCourt
What #WashingtonState covid and flu look like now that the holidays are over via #SeattleTimes #Seattle
#Seattle #seattletimes #washingtonstate
@wonkette_bot I'd honestly rather see if #Seattle can live without the #SeattleTimes
Omg, I just realized that the #SeattleTimes has a locally themed 404 page!!