Seattle! It's going to get really warm this weekend - like, possibly up to 90, somehow? 🥵 How do you keep cool during the warmer months of the year?
Crosscut's environment reporter @Trailanderror has a great piece from last summer on how to stay cool without A/C, and that might come in handy this weekend!
#wawx #SeattleWX #weather #Seattle
#seattle #weather #seattlewx #wawx
The plants have decided spring is here; most of every thing is starting to bud. Beautiful sunny day finally, good enough to get out and hike the trail by our place. #Seattle #SeattleWX
Frozen raindrops on my car this morning #seattlewx #seattle #coldweather
#seattlewx #seattle #coldweather
I wonder what wild and unpredictable weather Seattle has in store for #AAS241 next week…
Oh. #SeattleWx #rain
They out here in Seattle playing real life bumper cars. #SeattleWX #FreezingRain
#wawx #seattlewx
Yeah that’s a sheet of ice in the street in West Seattle. Ain’t no one going anywhere here.