Spag_bella · @Spag_bella
61 followers · 232 posts · Server

Ohhh, ‘The Wonder’ is really, creepily good. Florence Pugh is excellent once again. It reminded me of Lady Macbeth in all the best ways, and then I realised Alice Birch co-wrote it. 💡

#sebastianlelio #florencepugh #mastomovies #movies #TheWonder

Last updated 2 years ago

Jorge Avalos · @jorgeavalos
32 followers · 19 posts · Server


Una niña vive una narrativa inescapable que oculta una verdad indecible. Una enfermera cree que lo que debería salvarla es la verdad, hasta que descubre que lo único que puede salvarla es una nueva narrativa, una historia de origen que le pertenezca sólo a ella, a la niña.

#sebastianlelio #thewonder #cine

Last updated 2 years ago

Os Livros de Maria · @OsLivrosDeMaria
196 followers · 565 posts · Server
Narevalom · @Narevalom
176 followers · 503 posts · Server

Another great piece of art we watched this weekend: The Wonder, directed by I loved the way the movie plays with the concept of discourse, and being Catholic, also liked the punches it threw at the doctrines of suffering, which caused so much pain and injustices in history


Last updated 2 years ago