Não consigo concordar completamente com este artigo.
Ainda temos tempo para travar um cenário pior do que o que já está garantido, mas a verdade é que não se está a fazer o que é preciso.
Este ano vamos bater recordes de consumo de combustíveis fósseis, e para o ano vamos bater o recorde deste ano, e assim sucessivamente até 2030.
#ecossistemas #biodiversidade #natureza #floresta #rewilding #gregcarr #amazonia #Gorongosa #sebastiaosalgado #rtpplay #rtp2 #rebeccasolnit
#rebeccasolnit #rtp2 #rtpplay #sebastiaosalgado #Gorongosa #amazonia #gregcarr #rewilding #floresta #natureza #biodiversidade #ecossistemas
#RebeccaSolnit tem razão neste artigo quando diz que os pessimistas climáticos são mais prejudiciais que os negacionistas.
Quem está na linha da frente mostra todos o dias que é possível mudar.
A propósito, puxem atrás na box e procurem este documentário na #RTP2 ou vão a #RTPPlay e vejam o trabalho fantástico de #SebastiãoSalgado, e outros tantos, na recuperação da natureza.
#Gorongosa #Amazónia #GregCarr #rewilding #floresta #natureza
#biodiversidade #ecossistemas
#ecossistemas #biodiversidade #natureza #floresta #rewilding #gregcarr #amazonia #Gorongosa #sebastiaosalgado #rtpplay #rtp2 #rebeccasolnit
I like Salgados’ work and I find the Amazon serie spectacular, but is it just me or those clouds have a bit too much HDR? Or maybe a yellow-red filter. What do you guys think?
#bw #sebastiaosalgado #salgado #amazonas #photography #masters #toomuchhdr
#bw #sebastiaosalgado #salgado #amazonas #photography #masters #toomuchhdr
🎧 Heard #SmashingPumpkins "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" (1995) on the FM in the Fiat—first time since #SanFrancisco when it dropped.
I saw the film (first time) and thought, "Hope they cut #SebastiãoSalgado a check!" because that's exactly where the imagery came from—the Brazilian photographer's series on the inhumane conditions at the Serra Pelada Gold Mine in #Brazil (1986).
The "inspiration" was acknowledged by the director, #SamuelBayer. Still... 😏 https://youtu.be/8-r-V0uK4u0
#samuelbayer #Brazil #sebastiaosalgado #sanfrancisco #smashingpumpkins
Benefiz-Abend mit Sebastião Salgado und Beto Marubo am 27. Juni in Zürich.
Die #GfbV lädt zu einer einmaligen Gelegenheit ein: Lernen Sie den Starfotografen #SebastiãoSalgado und den indigenen Aktivisten #BetoMarubo persönlich kennen. Erfahren Sie mehr über ihr Engagement für die #indigene #Bevölkerung in der #Amazonas-Region. Und tauchen Sie ein in den grössten #Regenwald der Erde in der #Fotoausstellung «#Amazônia».
#gfbv #sebastiaosalgado #betomarubo #indigene #bevolkerung #Amazonas #regenwald #fotoausstellung #amazonia
📷 These are the images by #doc #Photographer #SebastiãoSalgado that director #SamuelBayer copied for his "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" #Film for #TheSmashingPumpkins.
These images are made in #Pará #Brazil in the massive #SerraPelada #goldmine in 1986, about 10 years before the video was shot somewhere in #California.
#Editorial: I do *not approve! It's #appropriation slash #theft and mimics actual #suffering for commercial gain. https://www.sothebys.com/en/articles/snapshot-sebastiao-salgados-gold-mine-portfolio
#doc #photographer #sebastiaosalgado #samuelbayer #film #thesmashingpumpkins #para #Brazil #serrapelada #goldmine #California #editorial #appropriation #theft #suffering
🎧 Heard #SmashingPumpkins 1995 "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" this morning on the FM in the car, first time since my time in #SanFrancisco when it dropped. First time ever seeing the film by #SamuelBayer and thought, "Hope they cut a check to #SebastiãoSalgado, because that's where the imagery (essentially "slave" gold miners") comes from. That was acknowledged by the director, I read. Still. 😏 https://youtu.be/8-r-V0uK4u0
#smashingpumpkins #sanfrancisco #samuelbayer #sebastiaosalgado
@Durruti It's not just "a couple". It's Sebastiao Salgado and his wife.
After being finished with the Sisyphos work of rebuilding this place they all donated it to the public of Brazil. What a man. Watch the documentary of Wim Wenders on him, The Salt of the Earth, it's, one of the most beautiful, intense and touching film biographies I've ever seen.
#sebastiaosalgado #photography
Allez, on continue avec les portraits. En voici encore un dont les traits sont empruntés aux visages graves et puissants immortalisés par Sebastião Salgado.
C'est la première fois que je dessine un visage âgé. C'était passionnant d'en faire le tour, d'en découvrir les charmes.
Encre et crayons de couleur de nouveau;
#kartaline #encre #dessin #sebastiaosalgado #portrait #mastoart
#kartaline #encre #dessin #sebastiaosalgado #portrait #mastoart