The photogenic Bethany Hart Gerry in a Tucktec folding kayak on Sebec Lake in mid July.
#family #tucktec #foldingkayak #sebeclake #maine
An American red squirrel at Sebec Lake in Maine. These are also known as pine squirrels and chickaree. They are smaller and more aggressive than the more common grey squirrel.
#americanredsquirrel #squirrel #sebeclake #maine #pinesquirrel #chickaree #canonphotography #luminarneo
#americanredsquirrel #squirrel #sebeclake #maine #pinesquirrel #chickaree #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A common loon in Sebec Lake in mid July. Loon calls are frequently used in American media to indicate wilderness (even when they're geographically inappropriate). At one point there were 11 loons visible at one time.
#commonloon #loons #birds #birding #birdwatching #waterfowl #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #luminarneo #sebeclake #maine
#commonloon #loons #birds #birding #birdwatching #waterfowl #nature #wildlife #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #sebeclake #maine
A mom merganser on Sebec Lake in mid July. Not entirely captured in this picture, she has approximately 25 ducklings. Over a week we saw her flotilla 4 or 5 times.
#merganser #chicks #ducklings #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #canonphotography #luminarneo #sebeclake #maine
#Merganser #chicks #ducklings #nature #wildlife #birds #birding #birdwatching #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #sebeclake #maine
Sunrise at Sebec Lake in mid July.
#sunrise #sebeclake #waterscape #canoe #lake #maine
An Diprion Similis, a type of sawfly in its larval stage. Sawflies are closely related to wasps, bees and ants. This particular one is from Europe and is invasive in North America.
#diprionSimilis #sawfly #larva #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #entomology #invasive #canonphotography #luminarneo #venusoptics #sebeclake
#diprionSimilis #sawfly #larva #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #entomology #invasive #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #venusoptics #sebeclake
Two photos of a member of Anthonomus, a genus of true weevil. From Sebec Lake in mid July.
#anthonomus #trueweevil #beetles #macro #ultramacro #luminarneo #venusoptics #canonphotography #sebeclake #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife #luminarneo
#anthonomus #trueweevil #beetles #macro #ultramacro #LuminarNeo #venusoptics #canonphotography #sebeclake #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife
A Virginia Ctenucha moth from Sebec Lake in mid July.
#virginiactenucha #sebeclake #ctenucha #moth #lepidoptera #nature #wildlife #macro #canonphotography #luminarneo
#virginiactenucha #sebeclake #Ctenucha #moth #lepidoptera #nature #wildlife #macro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A Caddisfly from Sebec Lake in mid July. These are moth-like, but their larvae are aquatic.
#caddisfly #insects #bugs #entomology #sebeclake #macro #canonphotography #luminarneo
#caddisfly #insects #bugs #entomology #sebeclake #macro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A marbled-green leuconycta moth from Sebec Lake in mid July. The caterpillars for these eat dandelions.
#marbledgreenleuconyctamoth #moth #lepidoptera #leuconycta #insects #macro #wildlife #nature #sebeclake #canonphotography #luminarneo
#marbledgreenleuconyctamoth #moth #lepidoptera #leuconycta #insects #macro #wildlife #nature #sebeclake #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
Geometer Moths #1 and #2. The darker colored one I think is a porcelain gray. No clue about the 2nd one. From Sebec Lake in mid July.
#geometermoth #porcelaingray #insects #lepidoptera #entomolgy #macro #canonphotography #luminarneo #sebeclake #maine
#geometermoth #porcelaingray #insects #lepidoptera #entomolgy #macro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #sebeclake #maine