#FACTCHECK: Does #Texas Have A Legal Right To #Secede On Its Own?
Dear #Texas, WTF is wrong with you? PLEASE #secede and fuck off.
#GQPTexas #facists #TexasSucks #assholes
A Texas man accuses three women of helping his wife obtain an illegal abortion https://www.npr.org/2023/03/11/1162805773/texas-man-sues-abortion-pills
#texas #secede #gqptexas #facists #texassucks #assholes
Red States want to #secede: LET THEM GO! Most #RedStates owe their livelihood to #BlueStates! Good 'effin' riddance! #Adios #Au_revoir #Auf_Wiedersehen #Arrivederci and for most #Republicans, #Do_svidaniya is more fitting!
#secede #redstates #bluestates #adios #au_revoir #auf_wiedersehen #arrivederci #republicans #do_svidaniya
https://youtu.be/5SS0MLDxUtI fuck it #kmagyoyo #secede time to go. We no longer are a nation. We are no longer one people. We no longer have one belief, no longer one dream. The Constitution was never meant to be, nor is it a suicide pact. This nation was founded on secession. See the declaration of Independence. States have a right to secede whether the supreme Court recognizes it or not. @Joshua4liberty @Genen @adam
Having read the entire MTG screed (we know she didn’t write it) it’s a vessel for some conservative who was channeling B1 Bob during his late night rants on Cspan.
We used to just take such people and put them in padded rooms and give them electricshock therapy . I digress. Her hair!
MAGA dreams of separation with alimony and child support from us Blue staters who carry the freight.
Imagine Mississippi without us. Arkansas. They suck the national teet and never say thank you.
Finally a good use for Hannity…
Please, Red States, #secede. Like tomorrow. We’ll hold the door for you this time.
#secede #velvetdivorceamericanstyle
Rep. #MarjorieTaylorGreene Calls for #RedStates to #Secede From the Union
#marjorietaylorgreene #redstates #secede
Darling Nikki
Not ready for prime time
#secede #confederacy #BiSH
February 1, 1861 - #Texas became the seventh state to #secede from the Union. The state convention voted 166 to 8 in favor of the measure. "“Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it." Sam Houston
Remember that time #Florida wanted to #secede (again)? And then they changed their minds because they were afraid they'd be sawed off and float away, eventually to fall off the #flatearth?
States like TX and AK frequently threaten to seced. It is time for Blue States to say that we are tired of subsidizing Red States, and figure out how to evict taker states who won’t even care for their own people from the Union. Ex Florida #Florida #Texas #Alaska #secede
#florida #texas #alaska #secede