Chatted about football, illness, writing and #RoyKeane alongside the great #RoddyDoyle on RTE Radio 1’s #SecondCaptains.
#roykeane #roddydoyle #secondcaptains
#RoddyDoyle and I are talking books, football, writing and #RoyKeane today on #SecondCaptains on RTÉ Radio 1 at 1pm. You can listen online here too.
#roddydoyle #roykeane #secondcaptains
⚽️ If you’d like to hear me talk about my lifelong love of #football, and explain why I have a 36-piece jigsaw of me and #RoyKeane, tune in to #SecondCaptains on New Years Eve, alongside #RoddyDoyle on #RTERadio1 at 1pm and online. Am not at liberty to say what happened during the controversial head to head round, but we did some post-show analysis over a drink. ⚽️
#football #roykeane #secondcaptains #roddydoyle #RTEradio1
I see #PocketCasts have joined the end-of-year stats party. My top 5 are all either about #sports, #LGBT issues, or LGBT issues in sport!
Not sure whether to be impressed, horrified, or both, that I spent over 3 days listening to my top #podcast...
#SecondCaptains #PriceOfFootball #LGBTsport #LikemindedFriends #TomAllen #SuziRuffel #HelpISextedMyBoss #podcasts
#Podcasts #helpisextedmyboss #suziruffel #tomallen #likemindedfriends #lgbtsport #priceoffootball #secondcaptains #Podcast #LGBT #sports #pocketcasts