This is what actual #censorship and #1A infringement is:
Indiana reprimands doctor who spoke publicly about providing 10-year-old's abortion - NPR #abortion #health #SecondClassCitizen #EqualRights #GovernmentOverreach #petty #vindictive #GOP #corruption #ChildAbuse
#censorship #1a #abortion #health #secondclasscitizen #equalrights #governmentoverreach #petty #vindictive #gop #corruption #childabuse
My city has regulations against nuisance noise in residential areas. But the police say that it doesn't count as a nuisance unless multiple people complain.
What this means is that I will be tortured, indefinitely, by the new bar that moved in 5 blocks away, which plays live country music outdoors till 11pm nightly, because I'm the only one tortured by it.
The lawmakers and my fellow citizens don't know or care that people like me exist. I suffer every. single. day of my life, for senseless, unnecessary reasons, and it doesn't matter to anyone. This is why I am bitter and angry at the world, and I am trying to decide if I want to cry or yell in wordless fury right now. I did nothing wrong. But because I'm #autistic, my needs don't count like those of "normal" people. Anywhere, anytime. I am a #SecondClassCitizen, and I know it full well.
Fuck the world. You people could make room for us, but you won't even try.
#autistic #secondclasscitizen #actuallyautistic
What about folks who can't be organ donors?
Like me.
I've been HIV+ undetectable and healthier than most of my HIV- contemporaries.
Yet I can't even donate blood let alone an organ.
Should people like me be prohibited from receiving an organ?
Or, should people like me be allowed to get an organ, BUT only after other "uncontaminated" people get prioritized first?
What might those priorities be?
Who decides?
#medicalethics #paradox #hiv #secondclasscitizen #organdonation #blooddonation #whodecides
#medicalethics #paradox #hiv #secondclasscitizen #organdonation #blooddonation #whodecides
@pivoinebleue #TedCruz is a delusional narcisist, like many others in GOPland.
He is a mean, ignorant, despicable, detestable pawn of the powers that desire the criminalization of the marginalized members of our citizenry.
I refuse to be a #SecondClassCitizen !!!