Normal Island News
Liz Truss is paid £15,770 an hour for her main job
Her second job as an MP pays peanuts
It’s been revealed our former prime minister, the accidental disaster capitalist who lasted almost as long as a lettuce, is paid £15,770 an hour for her main job. If you didn’t know, the tireless Liz generously works a second job as an MP because she knows her country needs her.
#secondjob #liztruss #normalislandnews
Boris Johnson making £21,000 an hour as second jobs earnings revealed | The Independent
Yes, I'm satirizing a real headline here, but, alas, from personal experience I can tell you that if you want to spot billing errors from medical places, you do need to take on a second job. 😩
This is the #supidity of the system under which we live in the #USA.
#health #HealthCare #HealthCareBilling #billing #BillingError #USHealthCare #idiots #SecondJob #accountant #satire
#supidity #usa #health #healthcare #healthcarebilling #billing #billingerror #ushealthcare #idiots #secondjob #accountant #satire
Why did #teachers overwhelmingly reject the Govt.s anemic pay offer?
Could if be something to do with 1 in 3 teachers skipping meals to 'make ends meet' or the 1 in 5 who have had to take on a #secondjob?
The appalling state of pay & conditions in #education, again shows that the crisis in education is directly related to its defunding.
Teachers know a unfunded pay offer is just a way to try & blame them for future cuts!
#teachers #secondjob #education #supportourteachers #SupportTheStrikes
PM must strip Tory MPs of the whip after Led By Donkey's sting operation, Labour demands | Morning Star
#tories #ledbydonkeys #labour #Sunak #hancock #kwarteng #FakeCompany #secondjob #Debbonaire #whip
Top Tory MPs ask for £10,000 a day to work for fake Korean company
Video footage shows Matt Hancock and Kwasi Kwarteng discussing pay rates after being duped by campaigners
#ledbydonkeys #secondjob #ToryCorruption
It's more than a couple years old, but I'm getting a fair amount of reminders and anecdotes for a type of writing I never thought I'd be doing.
Marketing is weird.
Guy Venables on #secondjob #MPpay - political cartoon gallery in London