#IF you #JustCantFace: #AnotherSalad; #AlwaysConsider...
#IT's all in #TheLayering...
#FirstLayer: #ToastedBread;
#SecondLayer: #Butter;
#ThirdLayer: #NiceCheese (Not #HorribleCheese; #HorribleCheese is #Horrible. I don't even know why #People make #HorribleCheese, #IT's #Horrible)... #IDigress...
#FourthLayer: #BakedBeans with #NiceCheeseyCubes #SprinkledLiberally;
#FifthLayer: #CourseGround #BlackPepper to #Taste
#now #partone #two #if #justcantface #anothersalad #alwaysconsider #beansontoast #it #thelayering #firstlayer #toastedbread #secondlayer #butter #thirdlayer #nicecheese #horriblecheese #horrible #people #idigress #fourthlayer #bakedbeans #nicecheeseycubes #sprinkledliberally #fifthlayer #courseground #blackpepper #taste #thisistheway
A nice little archival #music tip -- if you were ever a fan of #AdrianBorland, leader of #TheSound, #TheOutsiders etc then you might want to check out this compilation of work by #SecondLayer, a project he and Graham Bailey from those bands had going in the late 70s/early 80s for a couple of EPs. Collection will be out in late January. https://secondlayer.bandcamp.com/album/courts-or-wars
#music #adrianborland #thesound #theoutsiders #secondlayer