I occasionally log in at the other place just because of a notification - read a few things, block advertisers every 6 posts, lather rinse repeat. Still trying to find more #secondlifefriends to follow here.
Hello, Mastodon! Time to make my formal #Introduction post.
I'm Lelani Carver, a #SecondLife #Steampunk avatar. I make virtual hats in a virtual world, and I'm a resident of a community in SL called #SteelheadBay.
I'm part of the #twittermigration - and hoping to find more of my #SecondLifeFriends here.
Here is my #CatTax for #CatsOfMastodon ... that's me as a Siamese kitty avatar, petting a little scripted black cat named Ember.
In #SecondLife you can be whatever you can imagine.
#introduction #secondlife #steampunk #steelheadbay #twittermigration #secondlifefriends #cattax #CatsOfMastodon