Dass #Brexit ein groรer Fehler war glaubt mittlerweile eine deutliche Mehrheit der Briten. Zeit fรผr Labour das #SecondReferendum anzukurbeln!
So people are starting to call for a #SecondReferendum now. Including the cyanide cynic himself Piers Morgan.
Well, it's 6 years too late isn't it.
That's what you get for implementing something so politically damaging from a referendum without a significant majority.
I want to rejoin as much as anyone, but couldn't you have made your mind up before Article 50 was triggered?
RT @sdbernard@twitter.com
Just for a bit of fun I took the two sets of votes from the Leave No Deal/Revoke Article 50 petitions and mapped them to see which constituencies if any had a majority for Leave... 45 out 635 in case you're wondering
#LeaveEU #PeoplesVote #SecondReferendum
#leaveeu #peoplesvote #secondreferendum
One failed #MeaningfulVote after the other, but asking for a #SecondReferendum is undemocratic. UK logic.
#meaningfulvote #secondreferendum
RT @JamesMelville@twitter.com
I donโt know why so many Brexiters are losing their shit right now over the prospect of a #secondreferendum. If Brexit really is the will of the people, then surely Brexiters must be supremely confident that the people will once again vote to leave the EU? ๐
#BenJennings on efforts to get #JeremyCorbyn to support a second #referendum โ #cartoon | Opinion | The Guardian
#benjennings #jeremycorbyn #referendum #cartoon #uk #politics #satire #brexit #secondreferendum