Dear Mastodon Community,
I will release the future content of my contributions under the following:
- Content before attention grabbing!
- Research before content!
- Not commercial!
- Promoting discourse!
- Meaningful and sharing knowledge!
- Intersection of OpenSource, programming and geosciences.
- And use fewer exclamation marks in future.
See you soon.
#SecondToot #OpenSource #Programming #Python #Geoscience #Exclamationmarks
#secondtoot #opensource #programming #python #geoscience #exclamationmarks
Toot toot #secondtoot #mastodon #noideawhatiamdoing
#secondtoot #mastodon #noideawhatiamdoing
Meet us, join us on the next social gathering in Arnhem Bitcoin City, Sunday afternoon Octobre 6th at Meet & Ribs! More info:
#secondtoot #helloworld #bitcoin #meetup #nuarnhem #bitcoincity
#bitcoincity #nuarnhem #meetup #bitcoin #helloworld #secondtoot