#secretinvasion among the many things this Disney+ series did poorly was ignoring the source material and grafting the names onto unrelated characters. It's the worst of Hollywood.
#好劇推薦 #美劇 #appletvplus #劫機七小時 #hijack #disney #marvelstudio #秘密入侵 #secretinvasion
A word or two on #marvel #secretinvasion
It’s a bunch of jingoistic crap whitewashing #Russia while they are in the midst of a genocidal #war of aggression in #Ukraine
Bad form very bad form
#marvel #secretinvasion #russia #War #ukraine
New video - asking what, if anything, can be gleaned from a comparison between the new Disney+ Secret Invasion show and a similar story from the MCU’s past.
The MCU's Other Secret Invasion
Finally got round to watching the end of #SecretInvasion for some reason. What a load of old bollocks. Started watching a few things recently which I haven’t bothered finishing, so not sure why I bothered with that. Do I bother with the new #StarWars thingy? I doubt it.
Este finde tengo que hacer mega sesión series, aprovechando que tengo tres días (lunes libro) para acabar de ver #Silo, #TheWitcher, #SecretInvasion y #Startrek #strangenewworlds y además comenzar con #Starwars #ahsoka y #From.
Por cierto, si hay algún marciano que no ha visto las películas de P. Jackson de #Esdla, este sábado, en #LaSexta, en sesión tarde, hacen #LaComunidadDelAnillo y empiezan triología (la de cine, no la versión extendida). 😉
#silo #thewitcher #secretinvasion #startrek #strangenewworlds #starwars #ahsoka #from #esdla #lasexta #lacomunidaddelanillo
Secret Invasion Folge 2
Mit zwei Rückblicken bekommen wir gezeigt das Fury wohl an dem was gerade passiert massive Schuld trägt. Als die Skrulls auf die Erde kamen hat er sich zum Vorteil von S.H.I.E.L.D. genutzt und im Gegenzug versprochen das sie einen Planeten für sie finden würden. Er konnte sein Versprechen offenbar nicht einhalten und nun haben die Sk
#Brettspiel #TVSerien #NickFury #SecretInvasion
#secretinvasion #nickfury #tvserien #brettspiel
Secret Invasion ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/secret-invasion #SecretInvasion #trakt
Taking a break from my #DCEU rewatch, I finally remembered to watch the final episode of #SecretInvasion. I actually kind of enjoyed the series. The story was kind of messy in construction, but the concepts behind it were cool, and I always love spy / "you won't know who to trust" types of tales.
Dos nuevos especiales de #MarvelStudiosUnidos llegan en el mes de Septiembre a #DisneyPlusLA!
Creando #GuardianesDeLaGalaxiaVol3 el 13 de Septiembre.
Creando #InvasionSecreta el 20 de Septiembre!
#SecretInvasion #MarvelStudiosAssemble
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #MarvelStudios
#proximamente #marvelstudiosunidos #disneyplusla #guardianesdelagalaxiavol3 #invasionsecreta #secretinvasion #marvelstudiosassemble #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 #marvelstudios
Secret Invasion - Harvest / Home - Review
#SecretInvasion #TV #Television #Review
#secretinvasion #tv #television #review
I made myself finish watching #SecretInvasion just to see how bad it would be. More than anything, it was BORING. Worst thing in the MCU so far. But, silver lining... some of the extremely negative review videos on YouTube are pretty funny. So if you feel you wasted those hours and won't ever get them back, you can maybe get a small return on your investment by enjoying some clever excoriations. Just search the show title on YouTube and eat your fill.
Secret Invasion 1x06 "Home" ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/secret-invasion/seasons/1/episodes/6 #SecretInvasion #trakt
Finished watching #marvel ‘s #secretinvasion with 3/4 of the family. (1/4 gave up on it). This show are a good example of why writers should more valued by studios. The writing on this show was bad. The dialogue was so bad I thought it might have been written by AI. Streaming outlets will spend millions on actors and special effects, but don’t want to spend any money on the writing. And it shows.
Sodele, mit etwas Verspätung jetzt auch #SecretInvasion zuende geguckt. Weiß gar nicht, was ihr alle habt, so schlimm fand ich die Serie nicht. Im Gegenteil, mir hat der Fokus auf Nick Fury und sein Hadern mit sich selbst ziemlich gut gefallen.
Jetzt freue ich mich auf #Marvels.
La miniserie Marvel Secret Invasion tratta in maniera insulsa quella che dovrebbe essere la più grande cospirazione del MCU, facendo un ennesimo buco nell’acqua 🙄
Recensione di RocketSimoon
#secretinvasion #marvel #mcu #marvelstudios #serietv #nerd
#secretinvasion #marvel #mcu #MarvelStudios #serietv #nerd
@Jtmoriartywriter Yeah, at first twelve-odd months ago I was blown away by the amazing visuals they were producing. But by the time I was watching #SecretInvasion, I was struck by how clearly AI the opening credits were, and how they just didn’t work. Kinda like the rest of that series in a way, really failed to click for some reason.
Poor Emilia, with her Drax arm screencap plastered everywhere. #SecretInvasion
#marvel #disney - #boxoffice #blockbuster - #superheroes - #avengers #captainamerica #themarvels #blade #secretinvasion #loki - #watched #nowwatching #firstwatch - #cinema #cinemastodon #film #filmastodon #movie #kino - #dc
#dc #kino #movie #filmastodon #film #cinemastodon #cinema #firstwatch #nowwatching #watched #loki #secretinvasion #blade #themarvels #captainamerica #avengers #superheroes #blockbuster #boxoffice #disney #marvel
#marvel #disney - #boxoffice #blockbuster - #superheroes - #avengers #captainamerica #themarvels #blade #secretinvasion #loki - #watched #nowwatching #firstwatch - #cinema #cinemastodon #film #filmastodon #movie #kino - #dc
#dc #kino #movie #filmastodon #film #cinemastodon #cinema #firstwatch #nowwatching #watched #loki #secretinvasion #blade #themarvels #captainamerica #avengers #superheroes #blockbuster #boxoffice #disney #marvel