Just a follow-up Secretlabs has sent me the whole bottom part of the chair under warranty. Now I just have to remove the old bottom parts and put the new ones on. I can't complain about how they handle my warranty. Thanks, Secretlabs for standing behind your product. #Secretlabs #Warranty
Well, I bought a Secret Labs chair in 2020 and have been loving it until today. I was just sitting and all of the sudden one of the legs just broke and the chair and I went to the ground. Have reached out to their support. Let's see what they are going to do. A new lower base would be fine. #Secretlabs
Although I'm currently on a train to Montreal, my dad told me he finished assembling my birthday present, my new gaming chair! 🎮#SecretLabs #TitanEvo #HouseTargaryen
#secretlabs #titanevo #housetargaryen
Spouse has a #SecretLabs #TitanEvo2022 in Regular. Everything is good about it except the firmness of the seat is too damn high! She uses a Purple cushion with it.
Gave up on my #secretlabs titan chair, less than 2 years in of using it and the chair has become uncomfortable to sit in, it was always firm, now its a plank, the arm rest has broken away, the covers on the arm rest started disintegrating really soon after getting them, and secret labs blames the customer yet lots of customers have the same problem. No idea how this chair seems to keep getting good reviews. Going to try out a Anda Seat Kaiser 3 Series and see how that goes! #secretlabschairs
The model used in the #secretlabs assembly guide video can eff right off in how easy they made it look in putting the chair together. Seriously misrepresentative of the actual experience which includes cursing, repeatedly getting up and off the floor to accomplish what is portrayed in the video as a single Olympic motion, stopping for breaks, stretching back while wincing, and occasionally belching due to disturbing acid reflux.
Took me half the day, but my new desk is built and pc reconnected.
#secretlabs #magnus #titanxl #computer