LeRoy Miller · @kd8bxp
149 followers · 655 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Went to a flea market the other day, saw these comics, Wasn't what I went looking for, but thought, I don't have these, and they were cheap enough....so why not.

#secretorigins #penguin #riddler #twoface #dc #dccomics #batman

Last updated 1 year ago

Orion Petitclerc · @Opie_Dokie
16 followers · 177 posts · Server retro.pizza

I've finally reached the era of (which I'm excited to begin and experience). I'm pretty confident that I've found a clearish delineation between pre-Crisis and post-Crisis canon for the chronology and used two issues of as the jumping-on point for post-Crisis continuity. It will require a little fiddling of working in some continuity to fill in the gaps, but I feel it's workable.

#dougmoench #thespectre #dccomcis #secretorigins #allstarsquadron #comic #comics #comicbooks #comicbook

Last updated 2 years ago