I’m truly frightened…
#desantis w/his own “private” force.
“Dems expressed fear in 2021, when DeSantis 1st proposed to reactivate the #stateguard dormant since WWII, that it would eventually become a paramilitary force beholden only to #florida ’s #authoritarian leader.
‘No gov should have his own handpicked #secretpolice ‘said Charlie Crist.”
I’ll bet an audit of the operating budget…
Would show if any of the $107.5m #budget …“wandered” away!
#budget #secretpolice #authoritarian #florida #stateguard #desantis
https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiZmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRoZWd1YXJkaWFuLmNvbS91cy1uZXdzLzIwMjMvanVsLzE1L3Jvbi1kZXNhbnRpcy1mbG9yaWRhLXN0YXRlLWd1YXJkLW1pbGl0aWEtdmV0ZXJhbnMtcXVpdNIBZmh0dHBzOi8vYW1wLnRoZWd1YXJkaWFuLmNvbS91cy1uZXdzLzIwMjMvanVsLzE1L3Jvbi1kZXNhbnRpcy1mbG9yaWRhLXN0YXRlLWd1YXJkLW1pbGl0aWEtdmV0ZXJhbnMtcXVpdA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen #desantis #SecretPolice #militia
#desantis #secretpolice #militia
When you argue that pretty much any #cop cannot be photographed or visually recorded because they might, at some point in time during their #police career, go undercover or be conducting surveillance, or have done so in the past ... you have pretty literally defined a #SecretPolice force.
Situation Update, Jan 20th – Day of Reckoning: Will the republic DIE or be REBORN?
#genocide #inauguration #joebiden #leftcult #lunatics #policestate #presidenttrump #secretpolice #situationupdate #terrorism #treason #tyranny #whitehouse
#whitehouse #tyranny #TREASON #terrorism #SituationUpdate #secretpolice #presidenttrump #policestate #lunatics #leftcult #JoeBiden #inauguration #genocide
Daily Update – Keep the Faith — Republic Being Reconstructed https://ift.tt/3snb7Wi Featured, Politics, Spiritual, USA News, World News, #ETs, #freemasons, #pedophilia, #robertdavidsteele, #secretpolice, trump
#ETs #freemasons #pedophilia #robertdavidsteele #secretpolice
"Social media monitoring companies track the posts of everyone in the areas surrounding schools, including adults. Other companies scan the private digital content of millions of students using district-issued computers and accounts. Those services are complemented with tip-reporting apps, facial-recognition software, and other new technology systems."
#usa #surveillance #privacy #secretpolice
*Everything you need to know about the report into beneficiary fraud investigations*
"The Spinoff explains what the investigation is all about, and why it matters."
#nzpolitics #secretpolice #privacy
"No matter where you stand on welfare, we’re supposed to live in a democracy. We’re supposed to live in a place where our personal lives don’t become a political socket wrench to the knees. There is no defense for this.
That is a gross abuse of power and we must not stand for it."
#nzpolitics #secretpolice #privacy #writehanded
#nzpolitics #secretpolice #privacy #writehanded
""In one instance, a beneficiary described to us how MSD obtained, from a telecommunications company, an intimate picture shared by that individual with a sexual partner. The photograph was then produced at an interview by MSD investigators seeking an explanation for it.""
#nzpolitics #secretpolice #privacy
"Since 2012, the ministry has been bypassing beneficiaries and going to third parties for information.
Mr Edwards said that's allowed fraud investigators to collect large amounts of highly sensitive information about beneficiaries without their knowledge.
The information collected included text messages, domestic violence and other police records, banking information and other billing records."
#nzpolitics #secretpolice #privacy