DEF CON 28 SEVillage Update - Well, our dear friends, the time has come to actually say it out loud…”DEF CON has been cancelled”. ... more: #humanhackingconference #sevillageupdate #amandamarchuck #defconupdates #sectf4teens #sectf4kids #defcon28 #sectf
#sectf #defcon28 #sectf4kids #sectf4teens #defconupdates #amandamarchuck #sevillageupdate #humanhackingconference
Launch of the SEVIllage at Def Con 28! - Well, it happened. We blinked and not only is it a brand-new year but also a brand-new decade. And w... more: #sevillageatdefcon #defconupdates #callforpapers #sectf4teens #sectf4kids #sevillage #osintctf #thesectf #defcon #defcon #osint #sectf #teens #cfp #kid
#kid #cfp #teens #sectf #osint #defcon #thesectf #osintctf #sevillage #sectf4kids #sectf4teens #callforpapers #defconupdates #sevillageatdefcon