A pissant NATO satrap doing dirt on YOU, American. https://www.404media.co/revealed-the-country-that-secretly-wiretapped-the-world-for-the-fbi/
See this https://auntieimperial.tumblr.com/post/97479776969 for more about A BIG LOOPHOLE that allows the FBI to spy on American citizens, then pass it on to the NSA and CIA, which ARE NOT allowed to monitor US citizens. #FISA #FISC #Section215 #Anom #domesticsurveillance #Domesticspying
#fisa #fisc #section215 #anom #domesticsurveillance #domesticspying
Senate renews warrantless collection of web histories - The government can keep on surveilling your online life without a warrant. An amendment to ban it ... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/05/18/senate-renews-warrantless-collection-of-web-histories/ #usafreedomreauthorizationact #usafreedomact #surveillance #legislation #patriotact #section215 #webhistory #law&order #snooping #privacy
#privacy #snooping #law #webhistory #section215 #patriotact #legislation #surveillance #usafreedomact #usafreedomreauthorizationact
New Bill Proposes NSA Surveillance Reforms - The newly-introduced bill targets the Patriot Act's Section 215, previously used by the U.S. gover... more: https://threatpost.com/new-bill-proposes-nsa-surveillance-reforms/152183/ #safeguardingamericans’privaterecordsact #governmentsurveillance #nationalsecurityagency #nsasurveillance #datacollection #cellphonedata #surveillance #privacybill #government #patriotact #section215 #stevedanes #ronwiden #privacy #snowden #usgov #nsa
#nsa #usgov #snowden #privacy #ronwiden #stevedanes #section215 #patriotact #government #privacybill #surveillance #cellphonedata #datacollection #nsasurveillance #nationalsecurityagency #governmentsurveillance #safeguardingamericans
#USHouseOfRepresentatives just quietly extended the government's legal power of #surveillance on phone calls. #Section215 https://act.credoaction.com/sign/repeal-section-215 via #CREDOMobile #Politics #USCongress #USofA
#surveillance #CREDOMobile #politics #uscongress #ushouseofrepresentatives #section215 #usofa
No one wants the #NSA to eavesdrop on everyone’s phone calls. No one but @SenatorBurr, at least. Tell him to shut down #Section215
#section215 #demandprogress #politics #surveillance #usofa #nsa